Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

In Ukraine, ‘people are yearning for oases of peace’

"My impression is that the young people who discover this community for themselves no longer want to leave their country, in spite of all the difficulties. They want to remain and make a difference."

In Nigeria, recent death toll of Christians attacked by Fulani stands at 130

“We cannot remain silent in the face of these gruesome killings and deliberate agenda to annihilate Adara people, whose only crime is being natives.”

Bishop: ‘The Catholic Church does exist in Morocco!’

CATHOLICS IN MOROCO account for less than one percent of the population of 37 million. But the Church in Morocco, despite its small size, plays an important role in caring for disadvantaged in society and offers support to young migrants crossing into the country from sub-Saharan Africa on their hoped-for ...

In Mozambique, priest reports on ‘victims crying for help as they were carried away by floods’

“Beira is no longer a city. It has been destroyed almost entirely. From an airplane, the city presents itself as a large lake, from which emerge buildings without ceilings. You don't see streets, houses, fields. A lot of people have lost their lives."

After eight years of war, ACN continues to support Syria’s Christians with vital aid

The Syrian civil war has caused the greatest humanitarian catastrophe since World War II, with some 12 million refugees and Internally Displaced People. Today, Christians in Syria form only 3 percent of the population, whereas before the war they accounted for 10 percent.

ACN 2019 Lenten campaign helps women religious in 85 countries

“Through their work, religious sisters convey the loving proximity of God to millions of people each day,” said Dr. Thomas Heine-Geldern, adding that “supporting women religious often involves helping an entire community or even an entire ethnic group.”

A TEEN from Aleppo, Syria reflects on civil war

“When I was young, my relationship with God was good, but since then, I’ve struggled at times. I always ask, ‘Why, Lord, why all this pain?’”

Pope’s March video focuses on Christians persecuted globally

“This prayer intention of the Holy Father is quite significant for the Christian community. Praying for our persecuted and discriminated brothers and sisters is one of the pillars of ACN. We support this prayer intention of the Holy Father with great joy and gratitude."

Proceeds from papal sale of Lamborghini go to help Iraqi Christians on Nineveh Plains

The village was badly damaged during the fighting of recent years but the Christian community has returned—in large numbers. By now, 405 of the 580 homes that were destroyed in Bashiqa have already been rebuilt and about half of the Christians, or 1,585 people, have returned.

Syria: A young Christian woman in Homs comes of age in shadow of war

"What happened in Homs was very hard. Still, we did not think about emigrating because we have strong commitments here and ties with our local community—the idea of emigration was totally unacceptable to my father. He feels rooted in the land and leaving Syria is not for him."
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