The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Bishop in United Arab Emirates: ‘I have never experienced animosity’

"I am not aware of any Muslim country that allows full religious freedom. Even in those where converting a Muslim to another religion is not punishable by law, at the very least the person’s social circle, in particular his or her family, will react with ostracism or even physical violence."

Pakistan High Court upholds Asia Bibi acquittal—many Christians still held on blasphemy charges

He highlighted the suffering experienced by so many people accused of blasphemy, irrespective of the outcome of their cases. The priest said: “The blasphemy law destroys the lives of those who have been accused, even if they avoid being executed.”

Filipino Church calls for prayer after cathedral bombing

“Please pray for the victims of Mount Carmel Cathedral bombing in Jolo. No words can describe the sorrow and pain that we feel. May they be given justice in God’s time. I know that the friends of the victims—both Muslims and Christians—are mourning and in deep sorrow today. Pray also ...

Central African Republic: diocese comes back to life in wake of massacre

"We have lost everything, except our faith,” Bishop Yapaupa said. He added: "We can still look into the eyes of our enemy and offer him our sincere pardon, without giving way to a spirit of vengeance or fear."

Nicaragua: ‘No way out of the current crisis without the Church’

In spite of the campaign to discredit the Church, recent, independent surveys have shown that the Church as an institution continues to enjoy a very high level of credibility. The number of vocations to the priesthood continues to rise practically everywhere in the country.

For World Youth Day, Panama Church wants to reveal country’s true face

"It will be necessary to maintain the dynamism of World Youth Day, to continue the work, because there is a tendency in Panama to rely on the superficial, the emotional, and the sentimental. Hence, the importance of educating the faithful and the young about the social doctrine of the Church,”

Indonesia: Being faithful on Madura Island requires patience and courage

"It is not easy to be Catholic on Madura Island, and I pray that my children will keep their faith. My wife and I do our best to keep them close to God.”

In Syria, catechism is ‘helping heal spiritual wounds of war’

"I am a religious, and my first responsibility is to bear witness spiritually and help people. This is what moves me. We lived through the war and witnessed it up close. Catechesis is important in helping to heal the wounds.”

Catholic mother in Kenya fights child marriages

"Once I was emotionally healed, l felt that there was a great need for a forum where single mothers could meet to share their experiences and find solutions to their problems—especially for the sake of their children."

Aid to the Church in Need’s Children’s Bible marks 40th anniversary

“Children need something like a children’s Bible so that the image of Christ will become a living one in their hearts. The Church often does not have the means to acquire a children’s Bible written in the native language. Or the Church is being persecuted and is not allowed to ...
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