The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Churches around the world go red in support of religious freedom

“We are therefore inviting people throughout the world to stand up together with ACN in defense of religious freedom and make a visible gesture of solidarity."

In Iraq, a Christian politician surveys a troubled landscape

"There is fear that the ISIS will return to our region, perhaps under a different name. That’s because of the lack of political unity in Iraq; and Christians have no confidence in their country’s political leadership, with legislators looking out for their own interests and discriminating against Christians."

Asia Bibi’s family thanks God for her acquittal from death sentence

"May our Lord bless and protect Asia and her family and keep all our Christian brothers and sisters safe here in Pakistan.”

In Indonesia, a teenager is grateful for construction of ‘real’ church

"Now we are building a real church, the church that we’ve been missing for 17 years."

‘His father is Boko Haram, but he is still my child’

“I cannot say that there was anything that specifically saw me through each day because each new day was as horrible and terrifying as the previous. I simply lived one day at a time."

Asia Bibi: acquittal of blasphemy charge could be close, says family

“[The judgment] may come tomorrow. It may come after two or three days but I am sure it will be favorable.”

One million children pray rosary for peace!

"Children are far more open to the rosary than a lot of adults. When the rosary is prayed correctly and under proper guidance, it reveals a view of the Virgin Mary, one that grows more intimate the longer you pray the rosary."

Chaldean Patriarch has high hopes for Kurdistan parliamentary elections

'We need further help to rebuild the [Christian] villages in the Nineveh Plains, destroyed by ISIS. We need that the government grows and improves its services. Finally, we want to put an end to corruption [and the activities of] militia."

In Cuba, a family finds new life, fulfilment in the Church

“At that time, all I had was my family, my farm and my hogs, and I was fine with that. But deep inside, there was an empty space that only the love of God could fill."

Suspected Fulani Islamists kidnap missionary in Niger

“It was in Mali of course that the Colombian Sister Gloria Cecilia Narvaez Argoti was abducted in February 2017; she is still being held prisoner today. And so we are fearful that the abduction of Padre Pierluigi could likewise drag on for a long time,” the missionary said.
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Religious FREEDOM



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