Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

A Christian processino in Faisalabad, Pakistan

Pakistan Christian is thrown off roof for refusing to embrace Islam

"In Pakistan, it is difficult to receive justice if you are a member of a religious minority. Many members of minority groups are not even aware that they have the same rights as Muslims."

Syrian prelate denounces plan ‘to oust Christians from the region’

“They do not want us to instruct pupils in the liturgical language, Syriac, and they do not want us to teach history because they prefer to drum their own history into the heads of pupils."

In Venezuela, the march toward a totalitarian state continues

"These measures are aimed at realizing the socialist project and imposing the communist model, cost what it may, even in terms of the suffering of the people."

For Syria’s youth, education holds key to a brighter future

"During the war, we lived in difficult circumstances, especially as students. We studied by candlelight sometimes, not to mention the sounds of the explosions that were increasing our stress."

In Central African Republic, Church works to heal wounded nation

"Religion is no more than a pretext in this case. It is above all a political, economic and geo-strategic conflict."

An Iraqi Christian family is home again on the Nineveh Plains

“It is my wish to remain in this land, despite all the difficult circumstances and disadvantages we have to deal with. I pray to God to realize this dream and to preserve my family, protect us and keep us safe.”

Indonesia: the life of a Catholic teen in an ocean of Muslims

“I am happy to live my life as a young Catholic. Although we are a minority—with people around us who are all Muslims—we can live together."

It takes vigor to be a faithful Catholic in Nigeria

“Know that God sees your tears and knows what you are going through; He has vowed not to leave you orphans. So, brace up and take courage."

Prelate calls for international peace-keeping force on Nineveh Plains

"The whole of the Middle East is being convulsed by violence, corruption and political upheaval. It is blighted by sin. It is Jesus who forgives these sins and heals the wounds. Who can give this restless and corrupt region Jesus other than the Christians? We are therefore not only Christians—but ...

For Indian Catholic, bitter memories a decade after deadly Hindu violence

“Though so many died and despite all the destruction of property, no one betrayed Christ. We stood firm in our faith. We were able to face this terror only because God was with us. "
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Religious FREEDOM



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