Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

In Syria, a Christian family stays put in the face of hardship

He attributes his family’s survival to the aid of the Melkite Church, the work of the bishops and priests: “They have done great work in the humanitarian field. They provide cash aid and monthly food baskets, which is how we survived these past six years.”

Iraqi Christians continue to confront uncertain future

"I am afraid that the same thing will happen to us again—that ISIS will return.”

In Pakistan, Catholic teenager prays for peace, security

"We are considered the lowest ranking members of society, people with whom Muslims are not allowed to eat or drink. School text books paint a terrible picture of Christians, too."

Cardinal reports on crisis in Nicaragua, regime use of deadly force

“Hearing the appeal by Pope Francis to be [for the churches to become] ‘field hospitals,’ many of our parishes have given shelter to those seeking safety and help to the injured."

In North Korea, despite hostile regime, the faith clings to life

"The truth is that there are some genuine faithful among those North Koreans who come to Mass in Changchung Cathedral. Though attendees are mobilized by the North Korean regime, I believe that some of them are real Catholic faithful."

Brooklyn Diocese lends support to Christians in the Middle East

“Christians in Iraq and Syria, in particular, have been threatened with extinction and need all the help they can get.”

‘It is not possible to imagine a Middle East without Christians’

"To hear these Christians forgiving and praying for those who persecuted them is a testimony to the action of the Lord. Humanly speaking, it is extremely difficult to forgive someone who has driven you out of your home, who has caused you to lose everything or murdered one of your ...

Donations to Aid to the Church in Need top $145M in 2017

"We believe that our job is primarily to support the Church in those places where it does not have the material resources to carry out its pastoral activities or where Christians are suffering from oppression, persecution and violence.”

Nigerian prelate pleads for dialogue in wake of wave of killings

"But even in the midst of violence caused either by Boko Haram, militant herdsmen or yet to be identified “foreign invaders,” I believe peace is very possible as we are determined to sustain the culture of civilized conduct and peace."
A demonstration by Christians in Nigeria in wake of deadly attack by Fulani herdsmen last April

Nigerian bishop fears for the worst from attacks by Fulani herdsmen

"Don’t do as you did in Rwanda; don’t wait for the genocide to happen before intervening!”
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