Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Bishop hopes peace talks will bring South Sudanese refugees home

“This peace would allow them to go back to their homes and live in a dignified way, not as they do in the camps where there are so many difficulties.”

Mozambique bishop calls for calm after burst of jihadist terror

"So far nobody can confirm with any certainty whom we are dealing with. There were no common factors among the victims of the attacks, who were from different villages and of different religions. It doesn’t appear to be a persecution of Christians specificallyo far nobody can confirm with any certainty ...

In Bahrain, groundbreaking for the cathedral of Our Lady of Arabia

The cathedral will be a significant symbol in a region where many run great risks and some even lose their lives for practicing their faith.

In Egypt, Coptic MP fights for the rights of Christians

"Egyptians have from childhood on been fed a rhetoric of hate, with the message that Christians are infidels. How do you suddenly tell people that Christians are good?”

In Philippines, a third priest is killed in six months

"The Church will always stand up for peace and mercy. Revenge is not in keeping with our message. Our first tool for social change is prayer. Only God can soften hardened hearts. Our second tool is to keep preaching Christ. We teach and never get tired to repeat the same ...

In Madagascar, Church faces corrupt rule, Islamization

"Yes, the rise of Islamism is palpable! You can see it everywhere! It is an invasion. With money from the Gulf States and from Pakistan, they ‘buy’ people. You see young men setting off to study in Saudi Arabia, and when they come back they are imams."

Church fills gap in medical care for Syria’s ‘Valley of the Christians’

“People come to us asking for help and tell us that in other hospitals they couldn’t get treatment because they did not have enough money. We don’t simply tell them to go away; we try to help them in every way we can."

Wartime in Aleppo: ‘many days were like living in a movie’

“I have two older brothers, both of whom have gone abroad, the first as an immigrant to Canada, and the second is waiting in Lebanon for his papers so that he can go to Europe. Now, my mother, my father and I are living together, hoping for their return. Honestly, ...

Expert: In Indonesia ‘terrorism could strengthen moderate Islam’

"Indonesia will certainly become more Islamic; but hopefully still within the country’s existing constitutional and democratic framework. For us Christians, the task is clear: we have to build up trusting, positive relations with mainstream Indonesian Islam."

From Colombia, a story of forgiveness without limits

“On May 19, 2005, attending to my son's vault in a mausoleum I felt a need to look up, and I saw a sculpture depicting the Pietà. I said to the Virgin: ‘Madrecita (dear Mother), forgive me for crying for my son, when I should stay calm because I had ...
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