Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Christians in Indonesia feel ‘desperate, terrorized’ by bombings

“Our faithful are afraid, but we, their pastors, constantly call on them to remain calm. The terrorists are trying to scare us, but we must remain at peace and pray that God may convert their hearts.”

In Congo-Brazzaville, the Church is fighting uphill battle

A DELEGATION of our organization recently visited the Diocese of Dolisie in the small nation of Congo-Brazzaville, which suffered through Marxist rule until 1992 and is presently coping with a host of challenges, including aggressive proselytizing by Protestant sects and inroads made by Islam. Bishop Bienvenu Manamika Bafouakouahou of Dolisie ...

Laying the foundation to rebuild Christian community in Homs, Syria

A young expectant mother, Genan Abdalaha, expressed her joy and hope that she might give birth to her new child in her own home. She said: “We can’t wait for the moment when we can return home; and God willing, it will be soon!”

Christians in India suffer from attacks by radical Hindus

Modi's ministers have repeatedly emphasized their support for measures intended to "protect" the Hindu religion, the bishop said. In the eyes of Hindu nationalists, religious minorities are seen as a threat, especially Muslims and Christians.

Attack on church in Central African Republic kills 24

“The grenade was thrown from behind the parish walls into the crowd of people at Mass. It exploded."

In wake of church massacre, Nigerian bishops call on president to step down

“If the President cannot keep our country safe, then he automatically loses to the trust of the citizens. He should no longer continue to preside over the killing fields and mass graveyard that our country has become.”

Archbishop asks for prayers after attack on Christians in Pakistan

“When we see these atrocities happening one after another, we very much depend on the spiritual communion that we have with friends and benefactors of Aid to the Church in Need. When we are tempted to lose hope, we are reminded that, through your compassion and prayers, you are with ...

‘Carrying on the work of Faith’—our organization has new leader!

Mr. Heine-Geldern stressed that each donor can be a partner in evangelization while continuing to live their everyday life.

Near historical landmark, Christian community in SYria slowly returns

"Thanks be to God, my imprisonment did not last long; they exchanged me for a jihadist fighter who had been captured by the government.”

In a Rio favela, a 12-year-old girl has bullet-proof faith

LAÍS MARIA PEREIRA da Silva, 12, was born and raised in a part of Rio de Janeiro called Complexo da Maré , which comprises one of the biggest set of favelas—or shanty towns—in this Brazilian mega-city. Despite her youth, this girl is already well acquainted with violence, despair, and death. ...
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