The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

This Holy Week, a letter from the heart of darkness in Africa

"Jesus is the Word that has come down from heaven, the seed which fell to earth with the outpouring of his blood and which sprang forth from the earth with new life—and this is the life that we carry within us as Christians."

In Indonesia, Jesuit pastor forgives Muslim assailant

"I am not afraid, nor do I get angry. I reflect that this is like David and Goliath. Giant Goliath comes with a long sword, while David is unarmed. David only relies on the intervention and protection of God. A shepherd cannot run away from his sheep."

‘An end to the war in Syria is in the hands of the international community’

"We always pray for you. We recently celebrated the feast of Saint Joseph, and we asked everyone during the celebration of the Eucharist to pray for ACN. Without your help, it would be impossible to continue. We greatly appreciate your aid, especially when you come to visit us. We no ...

In Nigeria, confrontation with deadly violence leaves Catholic teen in grip of fear

"I pray that one day I will regain my self-confidence and overcome my fear and go back to school once again.”

‘Nobody comes away unmoved from the Night of Witnesses’

“We wish to honor the ‘martyrs’ of our times and we feel that remembering them once a year is the very minimum we can do for them."

Prelate: Muslims encroaching upon Christian lands on Nineveh Plains

"We do not know what the real motives are, but every Christian citizen is wondering why an Islamic party is setting up shop in an exclusively Christian Syriac region. I think the answer is clear; it is meant to cause unrest and destabilize the security situation to oust the remaining ...

Aid to the Church in Need-USA has lost a dear friend

"He was a true servant of the People of God, a role he fulfilled with distinction. He especially provided a very much needed impetus to the life and activities of the Hispanic community here at St. Anthony-St. Alphonsus. "

Attacked by Muslim mob, Coptic woman is still living a nightmare

"I no longer feel safe and I am terrified for the safety and future of my grandchildren and sons. Fear keeps me up late every night. I want my children and grandchildren to leave Egypt."

In Damascus, rebel bombardments have Christians fear for their lives

"In the now seven years of war in Syria, more than one million people have been killed or wounded. And these are wounds not only of the body, but also of the soul. So many people are traumatized. It will take decades to heal these wounds. And all warring parties ...

Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries for priests

"This is why we are directing an urgent appeal to the federal government of Mexico, to the authorities of the various states, and to the city governments: we want them all to guarantee that pastoral care can safely be carried out in regions beset by uncontrolled, growing violence. We cannot ...
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