Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Your generosity will fund the repair of another 2,000 Christian homes on the Nineveh Plains!

"If we do not do everything in our power to support the return of Christians to their ancestral lands, they will leave their towns again—and perhaps even the country—for good."

Boko Haram survivor: ‘God was in heaven—he seemed to be far away’

"Today, there is nothing sweet about Nigeria. Nothing! I say so because of my current situation. I am displaced. I once had a room with a comfortable bed in a proper house. We lived in our own house."

Nigeria: In the face of ongoing Islamist attacks, the faith is growing

"We have to be as patient as God has been with all people for millennia; time and again we must take the initiative ourselves; we must take a stand for truth – because our God is a God of peace, not of violence.”

Belarus bishop demands state recognition of Church rights

“Without a concordat in place, the Church in the Republic of Belarus cannot completely fulfil its mission as it does in other countries."

Aid to the Church in Need will light up Rome’s Colosseum in red—color of martyrdom

“Our aim is to break through the indifference, above all that of the international community, and to strive to ensure that after February 24th no one can continue to ignore the persecution of Christians.”

In Aleppo, a heroine of endurance

”I did not know what to do—but God did not leave us; he was with us in every sad moment; he used to send us many people who helped us; they were angels in our lives."

Mosul, Iraq: ‘I cannot believe my eyes when I see what ISIS has done to my church’

“The reconstruction of this church will cost a lot of money and energy, and for whom would we be rebuilding it? All the Christians have left Mosul.”

For Marconia, a miracle in Aleppo?

“We have lost many precious lives in this ugly war. I ask everyone who can make a difference in Syria to help us to get safety and peace. This is the dream of every Syrian now—to live in peace and return to how we used to live before.”

Cathedral in Central African Republic shelters Muslims in danger

A Muslim man was caught by the anti-balakas, (the anti-Muslim rebel gangs) and murdered on the spot. This caused great alarm among the Muslims in the encampment.

A meeting with the Coptic Pope, an expression of solidarity with victims of terror

"What struck us most was the vigor and beauty of the faith of the Coptic Christians of Egypt, who—despite the attacks, despite the terror created by the actions of the fundamentalist Islamist groups—do not cease to flock to their places of worship.”
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