Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

In Nigeria, help for families destroyed by Boko Haram

The specter of Boko Haram may have fallen from the headlines, but a painful echo of its reign of terror in northeastern Nigeria endures. The group mainly killed men, leaving behind countless widows and orphans in dire straits.

On the Nineveh Plains, a Christian village is coming back to life

Bartella, a Christian village on the Nineveh Plains in Iraq, was the first of the region’s communities to be liberated from the grip of ISIS, freed in fall 2016. Recently, after three years of exile in Kurdistan, the first six Syriac-Orthodox families have returned to their newly restored homes.

Catholic schools are pillar of Church in Sudan

Dust and mud brick houses everywhere—as far as the eye can see. The houses are indistinguishable in color from the ground on which they stand. Trees are few and far between.

In Bangladesh, Church stands up for ethnic minorities

The Catholic Church in Bangladesh is speaking up for the rights of the country’s ethnic minorities, bemoaning the fact that ethnic and religious minorities are not explicitly mentioned in the nation’s constitution.

ACN funds slate of new projects to help Syrian Christians

There is massive destruction to the country’s infrastructure and the trauma of brutal warfare has left people—especially the young—with deep psychological scars, which are causing anguish, sickness and even death.

Prelate reclaims his Archdiocese of Mosul

Now that Mosul has been recaptured from ISIS, will Christians be able to return to their homes there soon? It’s too soon to tell, according to Syriac-Catholic Archbishop Petros Mouche of Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq. He spoke with international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need.

Rowing against the current in Damascus

These structural mutations invite us to question ourselves concerning the pastoral traditions. Such an old Apostolic Church, rooted in tradition and customs—can she take steps towards a new type of Christian testimony?

China’s communists ‘are afraid of Our Lady of Fatima’

"The veneration of Our Lady under the title “Help of Christians” is deeply rooted all over China and has been so for a long time. This title not only refers to help for individual believers, but also to help for the Church as a whole."

In Czech Republic, a pillar of the persecuted Church

Cardinal Miroslav Vlk, who greatly suffered, but prevailed as he guided the Church in the former Czechoslovakia through decades of communist repression, died March 18, 2017.

In DRC, an upsurge of violence against the Church

In the wake of an attack on a Catholic seminary, the leader of the Church in the Democratic Republic has issued an appeal about “the alarming security situation” in his country.
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