Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

A call for a million children around the world to pray the rosary for peace in Syria

"Is it not significant that God chose children in Fatima to be the recipients of the most momentous peace plan for the new age? The children understood the language of Our Lady and, most importantly, believed her words."

Myanmar cardinal defends Aung San Suu Kyi

“Our perception is that she is trying to stabilize the fragile democracy. Democracy is hard won and it took 60 years to get to where the country is today.”

In Iraq, a Christian dentist returns from exile to serve his people

"Qaraqosh, which is the largest Christian city in Iraq, is no longer as it was in the past. It has been truly devastated and has become almost frightening because of all the destruction."

Iraqi Christians’ future threatened by referendum crisis

“It is a clear fact that this situation has created in Christians a state of fear and concern about the possibility that the struggle may develop into a crisis that will have far reaching repercussions for all.”

Vatican Secretary of State demands respect for Iraqi Christians’ rights

Beyond the urgency of the physical reconstruction of the Nineveh Plains, the the cardinal said, “there is the more important obligation of reconstructing Iraqi society and consolidating a harmonious and peaceful coexistence. Here, Christians have the specific position to be artisans of peace, reconciliation and development.”

In Central African Republic, ‘trying to disarm both heart and mind’

"We appeal to their conscience. We do not have any weapons. Our weapon is the Word of God. We are men of the Word of God. We go and knock on the gate to the hearts of these men and women. The people can either accept this or not. It ...

Freed from Muslim captors, Filipino priest still believes in inter-religious dialogue

"To the Muslims of Marawi and Lanao del Sur, I declare that I continue to believe that we can still be united as Muslims and Christians. We are not enemies, we believe in one God."

In northern Iraq, another 15,000 Christians are going home!

Still, with another 12,000 houses still to be repaired or rebuilt, Father Halemba—who serves as acting chairman of the Nineveh Reconstruction Committee (NRC)—said much more work had to be done, alongside efforts to secure significant funding.

In Zambia, priests perform in ‘exemplary’ way

Tony Zender, who oversees projects in a number of English-speaking African countries for international papal charity Aid to the Church in Need, recently visited Zambia. It is a politically stable nation, though it has far to go in terms of development and lifting its people out of poverty.

Research project honors the martyrs of El Salvador

“When someone sacrificed his life for something, then it is worth asking why he did so.” That statement by Franciscan Father Tomás Ciaran O’Nuanain, an Irish missionary in El Salvador, goes to the heart of the mission of the newly-established Office of Lay Martyrs of the Church in El Salvador.
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