The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Catholic priest stabbed in Mexico Cathedral

Speaking on behalf on the cathedral chapter, Father Ricardo Valenzuela, the senior sacristan and liturgical director of the cathedral, expressed his concern for the health of the priest and asked for the prayers of all the Catholic faithful.

Cardinal sounds alarm in Venezuela

Amidst mounting and increasingly violent clashes between protestors and supporters of the government, the Venezuelan bishops have called for peace.

Consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima, Aid to the Church in Need turns 70

The May 13, 2017 canonization by Pope Francis of two Portuguese shepherds to whom Our Lady appeared 100 years ago at Fatima has particular resonance for international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need.

Post-ISIS rebuild begins on the Nineveh plain, Iraq’s ancient Christian heartland  

Work has begun on the rebuilding of the first 100 Christian homes on the Nineveh plain, a region devastated by ISIS.

Nigerian bishop suspects government-level support of new wave of Islamist terror

A Roman Catholic bishop has accused authorities in Nigeria of clandestinely supplying weapons to an Islamist terrorist network, charging that the organization has infiltrated federal and state governments.

Remains of abducted Syrian Christians are finally laid to rest

The remains of five Christians abducted by jihadist rebels four years ago from the Christian town of Maaloula have at last been laid to rest in their home town.

Priest was ISIS captive: ‘I am journeying towards freedom’

Syrian monk Father Jacques Mourad spent five months in 2015 as a captive of ISIS. He recently spoke about his experience at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Pope Francis in Egypt: ‘Re-knitting the ties with Islam’

Father Samir Khalil Samir, an Egyptian Jesuit priest and noted specialist in Islam, teaches at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Rome. He spoke with international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need on the eve of the visit of Pope Francis to Egypt.

The missionary vocation of the Church in Africa

Cardinal Robert Sarah speaks about the contribution of the Church in Africa to the Universal Church, about Islam in Africa and the world, about relations between the Church and politics and the challenges facing the Church in Africa.

This year, Christians in Aleppo will greet Easter with joy

In recent years, Easter has been a sad occasion for Aleppo’s Christians; Good Friday was ever-present, and the light of the resurrection seemed far away. Only last year, Sister Annie Demerjian told international Catholic Charity Aid to the Church in Need that “our children get coffins for Easter.”
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