Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

José Si Esono gave his life for the faith

he stopped seeing José Si Esono as a catechist who had taught them to pray, but instead as someone who “wanted to erase the beliefs their ancestors had passed down to them. "They accused him of witchcraft and burned him alive.

Iraq: A new kindergarten brings joy and hope

Education is vital for the survival of Iraq’s long-suffering Christian community. Poverty and unemployment are the biggest issues currently facing Christians in the country. To remain in their ancestral homeland, Christians must find stable employment, but a strong education is needed to find secure jobs.

Holy Land: New aid sparks fresh hope

Most Christians in the Holy Land in the Holy Land work in the tourism sector, and they have lost all sources of income since pilgrimages to the region have mostly been canceled. The newly announced aid package includes life-saving medicine, food coupons, and grants for school and university students, as ...

Haiti: Six kidnapped sisters released

“With the community of the Sisters of Saint Anne and the Haitian Conference of Religious, the Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince gives thanks to the Lord for the release of the six Sisters and the other people kidnapped with them on January 19. This traumatic event once again tested our faith, but ...

Grim tally of clergy arrested, kidnapped, and murdered in 2023

Nicaragua and Belarus lead the list of authoritarian regimes detaining priests and religious to punish the Church for operating freely and speaking out against injustice. In Belarus, at least 10 were detained by the authorities, with three still behind bars as 2023 ended.

Ten countries in need of prayers for peace

"Lord Jesus, enlighten our leaders. Lord Jesus, destroy the desire for war. Lord Jesus, dispel hatred. Lord Jesus, strengthen hope. Lord Jesus, reconcile all hearts. Lord Jesus, unite all nations in you. Lord Jesus, protect the poor and helpless. Lord Jesus, comfort those who suffer."

Sowing the seeds of the Gospel in the Amazon

“I have never left this place. I know nothing of the world, but I believe in God. He gives me eternal life. I called the friars here to baptize my children. I don’t want anybody to die without getting to know God. Now, the names of all my children are ...

ACN donor, 97, sells her art to help persecuted Christians

“ACN came into my life several years ago. It is a charity I trust because I know that it is a Catholic organization and that the money it receives is well spent. There are so many desperate situations in the world, so I am eager to help in any way ...

Nicaragua releases and expels 19 clerics

The 19 clerics were imprisoned in Nicaragua for speaking out against injustices and human rights violations, or merely for trying to operate freely. Bur concern remains over the fact that they have been forced to leave the country.

“The Ukrainian people are deeply exhausted”

The head of the Catholic Church in Ukraine meets with Aid to the Church in Need to discuss the challenges the country faces. On the feast day of St. Nicholas, Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, head of the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine, met with representatives from Aid to the Church ...
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