Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Middle East: Fewer Catholic schools spell more extremism

"But if we don’t keep Catholic schools going, the consequences will be serious for the whole country. Some Islamist institutions are waiting to jump into the gap. The children would then be ideologically indoctrinated, which would lead to more extremism.”

Burkina Faso: More suffering for Christians

“They took them back to their village, ordered the church to be opened, and shot one dead in front of the altar, and the other in front of the statue of Mary,”

Help for Christians caught in Holy Land crisis

ACN is supporting an initiative of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem (LPJ) to secure a constant supply of necessities, including hygiene kits, medicine, food, and fuel, for the isolated Christian communities in the Gaza Strip.

Christians call for prayers as new fighting breaks out in Myanmar

“We heard of strong attacks in several dioceses. Recent days have seen a significant escalation in violence and displacement, and we have received an increasing number of urgent requests for prayer.”

Kidnapping of priests still rampant in Nigeria

As of November 13th, the total number of priests, sisters, and seminarians kidnapped in 2023 is 23, showing that abductions continue to be the biggest threat to the safety of clergy and religious people in the country.

Lebanon: Bishop urges international community to end Holy Land conflict

“The international community has an obligation to implement the two-state solution. If not, it will be an open conflict for decades, or centuries, because no one wants to leave their country and their land."

Iraq: Prelate worries about the spread of war

“We are asking all leaders and all those with influence to calm the situation. God forbid that this war goes beyond what we have already seen. The settling of old scores would endanger the social cohesion of the whole region."

Holy Land: ‘We are living like the first Christians, sharing and helping everyone’

"Each dead person, wounded person, and hostage is a source of great pain and a tremendous injustice. You can only imagine the people’s state of mind. "

Mauritania: ‘Catholics are there for everyone’

“As Catholics, we are there for all Mauritanians. Through our activities and the way we live together, we want to show that God loves all people.”

ACN’s #RedWeek puts spotlight on Christian persecution

In a conflict-ridden world, Christian persecution, and the erosion of the right to religious freedom can go unnoticed. The goal of ACN’s initiative, which includes lighting in red monuments and buildings around the world, is to raise awareness of Christian suffering.
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