Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

ACN sends more aid to Syria after earthquake

ACN was one of the first international organizations to initiate relief efforts after the earthquake, since it was already present on the ground and had local trusted partners in place. The Catholic charity provided material, psychological, and educational assistance.

Chad: A ‘small flock’ of Christians in the desert

"In my country, people do not exist as individuals; they exist as part of a group. That is why a more individualized approach to religion generally doesn’t go well, especially when it is a Muslim converting to Christianity."

Pakistan: ACN provides emergency relief for victims of Jaranwala riots

Miraculously, no Christians were killed in the attacks, but hundreds of families fled and were forced to stay with relatives or even out in the fields. They lost their livelihoods and all their possessions.

Ukraine: Drone attacks on Caritas warehouse hurt the needy

When the drones hit Lviv on the morning of September 19th, a warehouse containing donations to the charity Caritas-Spes was destroyed.  “All the relief goods stored there should have gone to Kharkiv and Pavlograd in the following days,” the bishop told Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).

India: ‘If the government does not intervene, this could go on for months’

“They vandalized and destroyed everything, and then they went away, And when the fire was put out, they came back again, to make sure that the church was destroyed."

A wedding tragedy in Iraq: ‘We cannot describe the pain’

The Christian community in Iraq has once again been brought to its knees by a tragedy; fire at a Christian wedding in Qaraqosh, Iraq, left more than 100 people dead and 150  injured.

Mozambique: Terrorists kill 11 Christians

A terrorist group that claims allegiance to ISIS arrived in Naquitengue in the early afternoon and summoned everyone in the village. They then separated the Christians from the Muslims, based on names and ethnicity.

Syrian Patriarch: Despite difficulties, it has been ‘a time of great grace’

"We are still doing everything possible to help our faithful, to provide them with essential services. But we cannot replace the government. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, and we do not see a short-term solution. Without support, we cannot convince them to stay.”

“Thanks to this scholarship, I can help build the future of Iraq”

“Because I have a scholarship to study, I can stay in Iraq, which I want to do. I want my future to be in Iraq, and I want to help build my country’s future, too,”

One million children praying the Rosary can change the world

With war, violence, and extreme poverty in countries like Ukraine, Nigeria, Myanmar, and Pakistan, as well as in other regions of the Middle East and Africa, ACN wishes to entrust to God, through the powerful intercession of His Mother, all the places and people who cannot live in peace.
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