Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

In Iraq, a new generation of leaders

“What we aspire to is a generation of conscious youth, who will become part of the Church’s presence in Iraq. The Ankawa Youth Meeting is a big part of realizing this hope. It builds faith and friendships, removes isolation, and impacts their lives and their families.”

Ukraine: Trusting God and fighting off fear and despair

"At the beginning, I found it hard to deal with this situation psychologically, but then I asked the Lord, during the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, to give me an answer. That was when courage started to flow through me."

Cameroon: A new cathedral for the Diocese of Maroua-Mokolo

According to the bishop, this new cathedral is “a sign of unity for all the city’s inhabitants,” adding that “in a city with more than 600 mosques, it is important to show that the Catholic Church also has space in Maroua.”

Defender of religious freedom stops mob in Pakistan

"I once thought interfaith dialogue was something we do, but it is what we are. I once thought diversity was something we were, but it is what we do. We are all one, and [we are all] brothers."

Myanmar: ACN calls for prayers for new bishop

When protests began in Loikaw in May 2021, he acted as mediator between the unarmed protesters, many of whom were Christians, and security forces.

DRC: The Church at the bottom of a mine

Equipped with rocks and hammers, they grind the mineral into a dust and sift it in the bottom of a basin, just like the gold diggers from ages past.

India: Hindu nationalism drives interreligious clashes

The report by the Archdiocese of Imphal openly questions the role that state security forces have played in the conflict. “It is hard to say if the state forces were outnumbered or overwhelmed with calls for help, or if they were complicit."

One in three countries lacks religious freedom

The report finds that discrimination and persecution are clearly noticeable in 61 countries, and that in 49 of them, it is the government that persecutes or even murders its own citizens on religious grounds, with scarcely any reaction from the international community.

DRC bishops: ‘May the government accept its responsibilities’

They possess vital minerals, particularly coltan, which is indispensable for high-tech devices. But these blessings have become curses for inhabitants of the region, who are subjected to the violence and exploitation of armed militias.

Nigeria: Evidence of discrimination of Christians

“Those that are not Muslims don’t vote for our party. Most of them. So why should I give them the deputy governor position? I did my calculation, and I knew we could win the election without giving them [that].”
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Religious FREEDOM



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