Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

A pillar of the Church in Egypt dies

Bishop Kyrillos oversaw the largest Coptic Catholic diocese in Egypt for 31 years, and during that period he became renowned for his efforts to strengthen the spirit of cooperation between all Egyptians.

In India, radical Hindus aim to ‘divide and rule’

The bishop points out the irony of radical Hindus accusing missionaries of converting people in exchange for food or money, when they do not seem to have a problem with the Church’s massive social projects.

Colombia: Being the compassionate face of God

"Whenever I see a hungry child I remember, there is Christ. It is my duty, as a Christian, to make sure the cihld is fed. Jesus is always present.”

Sierra Leone: One of the poorest countries in the world

“Everywhere we go we try to show that God is love. We have not been here for long, but through our way of life we try to show what it means for God to be merciful, to be loving."

As fighting rages in Sudan, priests stay with their flocks

"“I want to stay until the last minute, I do not want to leave the people here alone. A lot of our Catholics came [to the church]. You know, here, the Church is their hope."

‘Without Christians there will be no peace in Lebanon’

In 2019, most Lebanese dioceses saw their money in the banking system vanish overnight, making it difficult for them to afford to pay for the tuition and formation of their seminarians.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: A priest in prison

The drastic lack of resources is evident as soon as one sees the overcrowded cells, which have neither electric light nor windows. More than 300 inmates must sleep huddled together on the iron sheets of the bunk beds or on the bare floor.

In Burkina Faso, “evil will not have the last word”

The threat is omnipresent, to the extent that “on Sundays and feast days the churches have to be guarded by police, military or volunteers so that we can pray and celebrate Holy Mass in peace."

Iceland: Sister Selestina drives hours to meet Catholics

“I have seen so many Catholics fall away from the Church due to lack of personal contact. We must go out to meet them."

In Syria, successors of kidnapped bishops live in hope

They were travelling together April 22, 2013, when their vehicle was stopped by suspected islamist militants. Their driver, a Syriac Orthodox deacon, was shot and killed on the spot, but the two hierarchs were taken and have not been heard from since.
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