Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

With ACN support, Churches rebuild quake-hit houses in Syria

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has committed to providing more than US$550,000 in aid to help Christians return to their apartments and houses, and support families with rent for temporary accommodation in the meantime.

Chile sees another arson attack on a church

The attackers left pamphlets and a banner claiming the attack and warning about future violent actions. “Every bullet you fire will be returned. Temucuicui resists."

Nicaragua’s ‘Way of the Cross’

"Demonstrations of popular piety such as the Way of Cross or processions have been forbidden and can no longer go from parishes out into the streets, as has always happened before."

Boko Haram victims to be greeted by Pope Francis

Maryamu Joseph and Janada Marcus will be greeted by Pope Francis at the end of the General Audience of Wednesday March 8. The two women will also be received by top level political personalities.

ACN to pay rent for victims of earthquake in Syria

At least 60 buildings in Aleppo collapsed in the earthquake but the number of houses that may need to be razed will probably in the hundreds.

Christian farmer in Nigeria dies protecting son

"I ran to my hut, where I found my husband lying in a pool of blood. He had been shot in the head, and he was lying on top of our son, who was also covered in blood. I could not control my tears. I was devastated!"

Push to re-designate Nigeria as a ‘country of particular concern’

Nigeria, because of its economic and demographic weight, “is the anchor of Africa. And if Nigeria falls, the whole of Africa falls.”

Pakistani Catholic escapes forced conversion to Islam

"The next day the guy who raped me brought a bearded man to register the nikah [Muslim marriage]. I told them I am a Christian and refused to repeat the Arabic verses."

Synod in the Middle East can be “a new spring for the Church”

" How do we face the social problems? Our people have become very poor. How can we face the political problems? We live these cries in all the Arab countries and each country has its own physiognomy of problems.

Bishops call on Nigerians to ‘reject evil’ in elections

“Our votes are precious; we must use them well. We encourage all eligible citizens to come out en masse to vote for God-fearing, honest, vibrant, and transparent leaders for a better Nigeria,” the bishops state.
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