Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

ACN has helped more than 15,000 Ukrainians since start of war

A large portion of this assistance consisted of emergency existential aid, which benefited 7,447 diocesan priests, religious sisters and brothers, and diocesan staff. These are the men and women who have remained on the ground, sometimes in the most dangerous situations, keeping the life and activities of the Church going.

A bishop in Nicaragua is sentenced to 26 years behind bars

According to information from local news sources, the government has now taken to arresting and reprimanding priests who mention bishop Rolando Álvarez in their sermons, which they describe as “forbidden activity.”

Syria: Aleppo trembles again, as the Church doubles down on efforts to help the population

" Everybody was screaming, they should have exited the house, but everybody stayed put, so I stayed with them. I crouched under a beam and prayed, begging God to have mercy."

Cuba: Papal envoy highlights Church’s work with the sick, elderly and poor

Precisely because he was a first-hand witness to that trip, Pope Francis asked that he represent him at the commemoration, which gathered faithful from all the country’s dioceses. The trip gave Cardinal Stella the opportunity to see how important the Church’s work is with the neediest in society.

In Nigeria, a farmer sees his family killed by Fulani herdsmen

"Then I heard my brother scream. I rushed inside and saw my son’s head in one corner of the room and the rest of his body in the center."

‘Almost 80 percent of Ukrainians need help to overcome trauma’

Two priests, Father Ivan Levytsky and Father Bohdan Heleta, were arrested by Russian forces on November 16 and stand charged with leading resistance in the occupied city of Berdyansk. Despite constant efforts, the Church has not been able to secure their release, and there are fears that they are being ...

ACN representative: “The world must not forget Syria”

"A 15-year-old boy told me he only had one wish: to take life back to how it was before the war. After 12 years of war, Covid, sanctions, and the collapse of the currency, this latest disaster is more than many people can bear,” he said.

ACN mobilizes $530,000 in immediate aid for Syria

“In general, people are afraid, but they are showing a solidarity we had not seen in 12 years in Syria. People gather, share, and pray. There is an initiative for a unity prayer in all churches in Damascus, in other governorates, and in the diaspora. This would be on Sunday ...

Fulani herdsmen kill a man in Nigeria, leaving his wife shattered

"I saw my husband lying on the ground, lifeless, murdered in cold blood. His corpse was surrounded by eight Fulani herdsmen."

Syria earthquake: ‘less than one minute was worse than 12 years of war’

"They use many different expressions to express the 12-year war. But if you ask them about the earthquake that they were exposed to, the answer is just one word: horror."
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