Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Pope visits Congo and South Sudan as messenger of peace

“The impact of the Catholic Church in DRC is difficult to overestimate. Its schools have educated more than 60 percent of the nation’s primary school students and more than 40 percent of its secondary students.

Cuba celebrates anniversary of John Paul II’s visit amid social and economic crisis

“The witness of a man tested by pain and illness” marked a ‘before’ and an ‘after’ for Cuban Catholics.

Syria: From prisoner to archbishop

It is hard to scare a man who spent months locked in a bathroom, threatened daily with death and who was even subjected to a mock execution for refusing to renounce his faith.

Priest dies in attack on parish in northern Nigeria

The gunmen doused the outside of the house with fuel and set fire to it. Father Colins Omeh, who was also in the rectory, tried to flee the house, but was shot, while Father Isaac Achi was unable to leave the house and was burned to death inside.

Amazonian indigenous community can now read the Bible in its own language

“We all like to hear, read, and meditate on the Word of God in our own language, in our own cultural and historical context,”

Burkina Faso: ‘50 percent of our territory is under occupation’

The terrorists want to eradicate this society and all who do not profess the same brand of Islam as they do, including Muslims, which means that the terrorism is now aimed at society as a whole.

‘No peace without religious freedom,’ says Pope

“Along with the lack of religious freedom, there is also persecution for religious reasons. I cannot fail to mention, as certain statistics have shown, that one out of every seven Christians experiences persecution.”

Terrorists attack Christian villages in Mozambique

Due to the inability of the Mozambican Armed Forces to patrol the entire region threatened by the insurgents, many local populations have formed their own defense groups, often composed of veterans of Mozambique’s decades-long civil war.

ACN’s last visit with Pope Benedict XVI

"Although physically weak, his mind was clear, and his charisma reflected holiness."

Terrorists kill a priest in Burkina Faso

The priest’s funeral took place Jan.5, in the Cathedral of Saint Anne in Dédougou, capital of Boucle du Mouhoun. “Through the infinite mercy of God, may his servant Father Jacques Yaro Zerbo rest in peace,” the bishop wrote.
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