Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Archbishop Balvo, Apostolic Nuncio to Australia, supports #RedWeek

The archbishop recalls that he took part in #RedWeek events during his time as Nuncio to the Czech Republic, before being posted to Australia. “We began the observance with a common celebration involving the Catholics, Protestants and Jewish representatives in the historic Charles University.

Priest kidnapped in Mali: ‘We are an easy target’

Everything points to a kidnapping, since the missionary’s car was found abandoned and the cross, he always carried with him was on the ground. However, nothing is known about who took him, or why.

Christian students in Lebanon: ‘We feel our country doesn’t want us’

Imagine a country where overnight your savings vanished, and your salary was worth 20 times less than the day before. Imagine your parents worked hard to get you through university, but now can’t afford the tuition.

Report shows global persecution of Christians is getting worse

Africa saw a sharp rise in terrorist violence from non-state militants – with more than 7,600 Nigerian Christians reportedly murdered between January 2021 and June 2022

Congolese bishops warn that country could break up

“The hour is grave. Our country is in danger,” warn the bishops, “if we are not careful, we are going to wake up one morning with a country which has been Balkanized."

Boko Haram did ‘the unthinkable’ to her, but Janada stands tall

My father put his head down in submission to be killed and answered: “I cannot sleep with my own flesh and blood, my own daughter, I would rather die than commit this abomination.”

Young Christians from all over Syria gather, hopeful about the future

“I am a Syrian Christian living in Syria, and I want to stay in my country and serve it through my experience and skills.”

‘The Pope’s visit to South Sudan will be a source of joy!’

Violence between armed groups and hunger are two of the most serious problems in South Sudan. It is estimated that around seven million people, a third of the population, live in a state of severe food insecurity,

Terrorism gains ground in Burkina Faso, targeting priests and religious

"Terrorism is gaining more and more ground.” A few months ago, the congregation was run out of the city of Pama. Last March, the terrorists sealed off the city."

In Ukraine, the Church suffers alongside its people

When the war in Ukraine began, many people ran away from the worst-hit areas. The Church, however, remained to help to look after all those who could not, or would not go away.
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