Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

‘Syrians are too poor to pay for surgery,’ says Aleppo archbishop

An increasing number of people die for lack of medication, the impossibly high cost of surgery and the general destruction of hospitals and clinics.

Ukraine: Missiles strike close to Albertine Brothers

"Most attacks are launched at night, but there have also been explosions nearby when the meals were being served at about 10 in the morning. "

For the Church in Bulgaria,‘what was a dream is now a reality’

"Finally, we have been able to bring to fruition this wonderful initiative, which is going to be an instrument for prayer and education for young and old alike.”

ACN’s #RedWeek highlights religious freedom and persecution of Christians

People all over the world will be reminded of the plight of persecuted Christians and the lack of religious freedom in many countries during the month of November, with buildings and landmarks in a number countries illuminated in red.

On Bahrain trip, pope will pursue dialogue with islam

“Dialogue at the intellectual or theological level is not easy, because it is difficult to find a common language. How can we go forward and create a base, without giving up our identity?"

Cameroon: nine kidnapped in attack on church are released

In his letter, the Bishop of Mamfe strongly condemns, once more, the desecration of the Church of Saint Mary, which was burned down during the attack, and describes “taking away the freedom of our fellow brothers and sisters” as “inhuman."

Nun is murdered in DR Congo

"They looted everything they could find, taking medicines, and at the end they set fire to the building. A nun, who is also a doctor and was on night duty, was burned alive, along with a patient.”

Nine years a prisoner of Boko Haram

"We suffered so much at the hands of these heartless, ruthless people. For nine years we saw the shedding of the innocent blood of my fellow Christians, killed by people who do not value life. They murdered without remorse, like it’s a normal thing to do."

 In 140 countries ‘840,000 were praying for peace and unity’

“We are very happy with the response. All over the world children came together to pray for peace, even in countries currently at war. The Greek Catholic Church of Ukraine, for example, informed ACN that the initiative was promoted in all its parishes."

Pope thanks boys and girls who will participate in ACN rosary campaign

The Pope also asked that through the intercession of Mary participants in the initiative pray for the “martyred people of Ukraine, and all those who suffer from war, and all forms of violence and misery.”
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Religious FREEDOM



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