Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Maronite Patriarch laments Lebanon’s political stalemate

“Lebanon is like a sick person who sees that he has gangrene on his hand and does nothing, and then gets a disease in his chest, in his arm, and refuses treatment."

Syria: Pilgrimage of the icon of ‘Our Lady of Sorrows, Consoler of Syrians’ draws to a close

During the ceremony the executive president of ACN will place at the feet of Our Lady a book with a list with the names of the 1,271 Christians who were killed in the civil war between 2011 and 2022.

The Pope in Kazakhstan & the ‘spirit of Assisi’

The goal is that all religions commit to world peace. We need to clean up religion’s image, recover the true sense of religion. Pope Francis is sounding a wake-up call, not striking a hammer, he is lovingly telling us to “reopen the door to this hope” to let us show ...

Nun’s murder triggers fear in Mozambique

The other sisters had fled together with the girls, but Sister Maria, who was about to leave the house, suddenly thought of the little ones who might still be in the house and came back. It was then that they shot her.

Pakistan: ACN steps up effort to help victims of worst floods in 30 years

As the official death toll tops 1,500, with several thousand more injured and more than six million people directly affected by the worst flooding in the past 30 years, urgent aid is needed to prevent the aftermath of the rains from being worse than the flooding itself.

ACN will help 200 schools in Lebanon keep their doors open

"These institutions play a vital role in maintaining relations between Christians and Muslims in Lebanon that are an example of coexistence for the entire Middle East."

Moses in Zambia: the story of a new cathedral

“With the rapid increase and spread of Protestant Churches, we thought looking for a place in the outskirts of town and building a new church would eventually help us to develop a new parish for evangelization.”

ACN to help flood victims in Pakistan

“90 percent of the territory of my diocese is flooded due to heavy rain. Many churches, parish houses and schools have been damaged by the rain flood. The people are left homeless and hungry besides the families grieving for the loss of their loved ones.”

Ukraine: without vehicles there is neither aid nor hope

Without a van, securing the needs of the refugees is simply impossible, but unfortunately Father Ivan Koltun, the shrine’s custodian, did not have a car until now.

Iraq: Gathering youth in hope

“By gathering in such large numbers, we will be able to say: ‘We are here, we exist, we have a role to play in this country’—and that is so important when you think about how much we have suffered over the past few years."
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