Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Ukraine: without vehicles there is neither aid nor hope

Without a van, securing the needs of the refugees is simply impossible, but unfortunately Father Ivan Koltun, the shrine’s custodian, did not have a car until now.

Iraq: Gathering youth in hope

“By gathering in such large numbers, we will be able to say: ‘We are here, we exist, we have a role to play in this country’—and that is so important when you think about how much we have suffered over the past few years."

‘The faith is the most precious treasure,’ drives ACN’s charitable mission

"We often view human beings only as corporeal, cultural, social, or economic entities, but not as spiritual beings. There is a lack of awareness that men and women are created by God and for God. A holistic conception of humanity is missing."

Burkina Faso: ‘Faith, not guns, will save us’

“People wake up in the morning and don’t know if they will become the latest victims of an attack, and nobody feels safe anymore.”

Six months of war in Ukraine: ‘The Lord put us here to serve’

"I met a soldier who from his position at the front line can see his home through binoculars. His wife and two children remained, under occupation. Every day he can see his wife and children from a distance, but he has no contact with them."

‘An attempt to silence the Church in Nicaragua’

“These events represent a further escalation in a spiral of confrontation. There is no easy solution. We must pray that there may be a peaceful solution and not a further increase in hostilities."

Malawi: ‘We want to reach out to every single person in the diocese’

The large distances and shortage of priests and Church structures demand full participation of the laity in ministry.

Bishop: ‘I lost hope in Lebanese politics, but I have hope in the people’

" it was terrible to hear what I heard and see what I saw: to see your capital, your country, your city, destroyed. None of my close friends remain in Lebanon, they all left after the blast."

Balochistan is deadly for Christians in Pakistan

The Catholic eighth grader and two of his friends were injured the evening of Aug. 8 awhen motorcycle-riding gunmen attacked the Christian colony in the Mastung area of Pakistan’s Balochistan province.

August 22: day to remember victims of religiously motivated violence

A spiral of violence in Nigeria. The country with the largest population in Africa is experiencing an unprecedented scale of religious based violence which ACN warns could get even worse unless the international community unites to address and seek solutions to the issues.
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