Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Archbishop of Abusa decries insecurity and inequality

Although the archbishop is skeptical that the ruling party will allow the 2023 vote to be fair, the Church has been encouraging everyone to register and to try and change the country through the ballot box. The worst that can happen, he adds, is for the ruling party to use ...

Nigeria: ‘We are weak, tired, and scared. We hope God will fight for us’

"To be honest, even I am scared. Fear has taken the best out of us. But I will not stop preaching the Gospel, I will not stop winning souls for Christ, because that is my calling."

Nigeria: “We have never experienced what we are experiencing now’

"We make sure the children get an education, from primary school even, if possible, to university. This is key to defeating Boko Haram. When people have training to secure their livelihood, then they don’t go and kill people."

ACN support for war-stricken Ukrainians reaches $5M

“Thanks to the help of ACN benefactors, priests and religious can offset shortages of food, and basic hygiene and medical products felt by many of the internally displaced people. Furthermore, they can provide psychological and spiritual support to all those who are traumatized from losing their homes or loved ones."

Lebanon: ‘the situation makes you want to cry, but we have hope’

But the port explosion was only the latest in a series of tragedies to hit Lebanon. Only a couple of years earlier, a financial crisis had sent the Lebanese pound tumbling, losing 20-fold its value in relation to the dollar. All of this was compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, of ...

Celebration at Ukrainian national shrine—faith under shelling

Our Lady continues to protect her children, both spiritually and physically.

Papal visit to Canada is fundamental step towards reconciliation

"Physical, cultural, spiritual, and sexual abuses, have left deep wounds and trauma. There is much that the Catholic Church, the Canadian government, and society are accountable for."

Ukraine: ‘We are prepared for sudden and unexpected death’

"Our Church is alive and active. Priests and faithful are in their places, prayer continues to flow, as does the daily liturgy in parishes. More in some than in others, depending on the location: where war activities are going on, or territories are occupied, there is no such possibility."

Martyred Father Jacques Hamel: a model of simplicity and authenticity

“One example is a person who claims to have been healed after placing his paralyzed hands on Father Hamel’s grave. We have the paperwork from his doctor. There are definitely supernatural elements."

Burkina Faso: Islamic terrorism has become commonplace

The inhabitants of the town were taken to the mosque and asked to convert to Islam: “Issa (Jesus) has come, but his mission is over. He promised he would be followed by a successor, and that successor is Mohammed.
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