Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Catholics in Guinea-Bissau unsettled by vandalism of a church

The attackers of the church destroyed the religious images of Our Lady and Saint Elizabeth, the patron of the local parish. A crucifix and an image of Our Lady of Gebra were also smashed.

Bishop shocked at murder of two priests in Nigeria

“With this situation, nobody is safe anywhere. If you go out of your house, even in the daytime, until you come back, you are not safe."

Bangladesh: the financial challenge of building churches

“Hundreds of Catholics from several villages gathered and jostled for a place to sit, and many were forced to stand outside. The scene stuck in my mind, and I decided to do something about it."

‘Christian persecution never ended in Middle East

“There are still people being persecuted because of their faith and thankfully ACN didn’t accept the political correctness and said, ‘Yes, Christians are being persecuted.’”

Meet the world’s youngest bishop

"As Lebanese we speak Arabic, we are from a certain culture, and we have a special mission in our culture, and the Middle East needs us a lot. It needs our presence, our word of truth, our testimony of Jesus, our people."

In Ukraine, Russian bombs damage a shrine

Damage is estimated at around Considering the economic difficulties caused by the war, ACN decided to join the effort and support part of the construction costs, so that the priests can move back as quickly as possible.

Nicaragua: worst hit by religious persecution in Latin America

The study estimates that the figures it presents are lower than the actual number of attacks. “Cases were found where the priests were so tired of the thefts and desecrations that they only filed complaints about the last of them. Others opted for silence, since they no longer believe in ...

Nigeria cries out for justice and religious freedom

“What but pure evil would make a man kill a four-year-old and a two-year-old like this, in church during Mass?” the bishop asked. He added, without reservation, that the Pentecost attack was an “act of genocide.”

More priests are kidnapped in Nigeria

Father Vitus Borogo was murdered during a botched kidnapping attempt. Father Joseph Aketeh Bako was abducted at the beginning of March and spent one month in captivity, after which he died of illness and mistreatment.

Burkina Faso: Murdered in front of their church

“These people have nothing to do with politics or terrorist groups. They have nothing to defend themselves with when they are attacked. It’s absolute turmoil. I’m sad. I knew almost all the victims"
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