Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Nigerian bishop charges government has failed the people and that West is complicit

When asked about the fact that many northern states have sharia law, and therefore do not have 100 percent religious freedom, he laughs. “100 percent? If we had 30 percent religious freedom, we would be happy!”

In Syria and Lebanon, ‘the sisters go to the dark places where others cannot’

“There is much abuse of all kinds targeting children and women. Divorce and suicide are increasing. ... We heard of a woman who tried to throw herself from a bridge because she had no way to feed her children. People talked her down, but for how long? We need ...

Ukraine: ‘Only God can answer the question of why we are suffering in this way’

"The psychological, spiritual, physical, and humanitarian consequences, as well as those affecting the family, will probably be felt later. The healing is a process. We have started psychological services in one of our houses, and a priest takes part in this process."

Nicaragua: bishop goes on hunger strike to protest police harassment

Bishop Álvarez, who has taken refuge during in the parish of Santo Cristo de las Colinas, in Managua, accused the police of having set up roadblocks to prevent priests from reaching the parish to celebrate Mass with him.

Church in Latin America faces aggressive secularism, polarization

"In many of these countries there is an aggressive tendency which seeks to silence the voice of the Church, especially on family and prolife issues. Many of our project partners have told us that in their countries there is a polarization of society, with increasingly large groups characterized by their ...

A call for Christians to join the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China

“I invite you to accompany with fervid prayer the Christian faithful in China, our dearest brothers and sisters, whom I carry in the depth of my heart. May the Holy Spirit, protagonist of the Church’s mission in the world, guide them and help them to be bearers of the Good ...

Ukraine: Priests thank ACN for vital support

Before Easter he visited soldiers at checkpoints, which is also part of the work. “We prayed together; we asked God to protect them and to protect Ukraine and we prayed for peace in the world. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic auxiliary Bishop Josyf Milyan of the Kyiv Archeparchy also visited soldiers ...

Pope is coming to encourage reconciliation, says DRC bishop

"When news of the Pope’s visit was made public, we were thrilled. This is Saint Peter coming to us. He comes as a shepherd, to confirm us in the faith, and we feel very blessed by his visit."

Anti-Christian violence follows killing of Christian girl in Sokoto, Nigeria

Bishop Kukah appealed “to Christians to remain law abiding and pray for the return of normalcy and congratulates the local authorities and police for their work in dispersing the crowd before they could do further damage.”

Nigeria: Christian student is stoned and burned to death

""The religious extremism we have become so familiar with under Boko Haram, and that has caused so many innocent victims, seems to have spread and polarized an increasingly large part of society. There is a serious religious liberty crisis, and it is not only caused by terrorists."
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