The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Anti-Christian violence follows killing of Christian girl in Sokoto, Nigeria

Bishop Kukah appealed “to Christians to remain law abiding and pray for the return of normalcy and congratulates the local authorities and police for their work in dispersing the crowd before they could do further damage.”

Nigeria: Christian student is stoned and burned to death

""The religious extremism we have become so familiar with under Boko Haram, and that has caused so many innocent victims, seems to have spread and polarized an increasingly large part of society. There is a serious religious liberty crisis, and it is not only caused by terrorists."

ACN deplores murder of priest in Kaduna, Nigeria

“The increase in kidnappings, murders and general violence against civilians, including members of the Catholic clergy in many parts of Nigeria, is a scourge that is yet to be properly addressed by the local authorities,”

Christians look with hope and concern at Lebanon’s parliamentary elections

“The Church wants Lebanon to be truly independent and the Lebanese government to have full authority over all of Lebanon. We want equality and prosperity for all Lebanese regardless of their religion.

ACN calls on international community to help Iraq attain stability and economic development

The past few decades have been very hard on Christians in Iraq. Economic and political uncertainty, coupled with large-scale persecution that culminated in the rise of the Islamic State, led to a massive exodus which reduced the Christian population from over 1 million to between 150,000 and 250,000 today.

Missionary in South Sudan: ‘Pope’s visit will be very important for peace’

“Many of the people in South Sudan have never known anything else. There are generations that were born into war. And the last war was terrible, so much was destroyed. Schools, infrastructure, hospitals, churches, lives, many women and children, and there was also an attempt to eliminate people with a ...

ACN to fund restoration of looted seminary in Ukraine

According to locals who stayed in Vorzel, the seminary was plundered and devastated. Besides the damage caused by two rockets, Russian troops looted the building in mid-March. Witnesses say the soldiers spent two nights in the building.

Kidnapping of priest highlights ongoing crisis in Haiti

“The deterioration of the situation in the country is due to the multiplication of armed gangs, the constant cases of kidnapping, the ubiquitous insecurity, inflation, especially the rise in the prices of essential goods, bloody incidents and a flood of upheavals and acts of cruelty.”

Pakistan: ‘I spent eight years on death row after being falsely accused of blasphemy’

“In jail, we were tortured. The officers told my husband that if he did not confess, they would rape me in front of him, and so he confessed, even though we were both innocent."

Ukraine: ‘The Church has opened its doors to everyone’

"I remember a small child who did not have anything to eat for two days while they were on the road. Many of them have eyes that look as though they are made of glass, faces that have been turned into stone. They are having trouble understanding what is happening ...
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