Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Bishop will stay in Ukraine “As long as there are believers”

“I remember seeing a little girl, around five years old, standing, petrified, by the body of a loved one in the street, unable to move. A feeling of terror, fear, and complete impotence looms over everything.”

A former fisherman from Brazil becomes a “fisher of men” for God

Taking that final step was difficult; the hardest part was swapping a steady and promising job for the uncertainty of seminary life. In a region of Brazil where jobs are scarce and poverty is rampant.

In Iraq, a new Catholic school of hope and recovery opens its doors

“We are building the character of the students to be leaders in society, taking responsibility and developing a plan to remain in this country."

Aid for Catholic schools stems Christian exodus from Lebanon

“These schools are very important because they maintain the Christian presence, they keep the families in the villages and provide employment for teachers, and non-academic staff.”

Victims of Easter bombings in Sri Lanka call on Pope for help

"At first the responsibility was laid at the feet of the Islamic community, but now there are elements that point to a political plot, with connections between certain political groups and the extremists who set off the bombs.”

Resurrection Day on Iraq’s Nineveh Plains

The extremists sprayed anti-Christian graffiti on the walls of the nearby Chapel of the Immaculate Conception.The slogans, some in German, read: “O, you [expletive] slaves of the Cross, we will kill you all… You dirty people, you do not belong here.”

Nigerian man joins the priesthood, loses family and friends

“My coming to the seminary led some of my relatives to shun us. I can remember one of them saying to my father that if anything happened to any of us, we should not call him.” 

A priest in Kyiv: fulfilling his mission in wartime

He tries to convey to the faithful – and to the soldiers – that there is nothing sacred about anger, nothing good, and reminds them that Christ forgave those who killed him “for they know not what they do,” while Our Lady prayed in silence.

Ukraine: breaking contemplative silence to host refugees

The nuns estimate that to date more than 500 people have passed through their monastery. “Currently the monastery mostly hosts those who do not plan to go abroad, and some of them don’t have a home to return to either. Now we have 75 people here.

World Day of Prayer for Vocations—the view from Ukraine

"Now the situation is quite tough, this is a very difficult time, a time of darkness."
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