Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Amid chaos of war in Ukraine, priests and sisters refuse to leave

“The diocesan curia team with priests, nuns and lay persons has delivered water, food, and medication to different places, where it was needed and possible to reach. The diocesan staff also helps in evacuating people from dangerous places,”

A painful ordeal in Nigeria as Christian siblings are abducted

"Then they shot the five of us in the head at the same time. Laying there, I could hear them saying, mu kai gawan su a church, saba da susani bamu wasa! (“Let’s take the dead bodies to church so that they will take us very seriously!”).

ACN launches children’s rosary campaign for peace in Ukraine

" God has a plan of peace and salvation for all peoples of the earth. He wants to save us from evil and give us new hope. For this, we must open our hearts to Him, turn to Him with trust, follow His commandments and let ourselves be transformed by ...

A hopeful Albanian Church is still recovering from communist rule

"The cathedral in Shkoder was turned into a sports hall, and the cathedral in Durres was used as a puppet theatre. This persecution was almost unknown internationally, but it was one of the fiercest in Europe."

Speaking out against ‘sinful politics’ is a challenge for Philippine clergy

“It is the time for the Church to take a stand against lies, injustices, and corruption. These are the evil that have been devouring the country."

Sri Lanka: Cardinal wants clarity on suspicion of political collusion in Easter Sunday bombings

"They knew beforehand from information they had gathered and also from warnings given by the Indian intelligence services, but they did nothing. In fact, the government seems to have done its best to prevent the arrest of the attackers."

2021: Worst year for Christians in India

“Even offering a gift or free admission or a textbook to a Hindu student by a Christian or a Christian school can be labeled as an attempt at religious conversion and trigger a charge of violating the law."

Dominican priest helps COVID-19-affected families in Pakistan

Some Islamic aid organizations only helped poor Muslims. “They only offered food and cash to Christians on the condition of conversion. We are working hard to proclaim interfaith dialogue in our society."

Bishop of Kharkiv, Ukraine: “I see a lot of trauma”

"The people are sitting in bunkers and underground shelters. It is very dangerous. We are regularly visiting the people in the underground station, where they are living and sleeping on the platforms and in the carriages. We pray there together with others, Catholic and Orthodox together."

Major Archbishop Shevchuk: ‘Thank you to all those who are doing everything to stop the war in Ukraine’

“Today I wish to sincerely thank all those who, at the international and inter-religious level, are doing everything to stop the war. I thank the Orthodox brethren, particularly in Germany and Western Europe, and the Russian Orthodox Church abroad, which is trying to serve refugees, and which is appealing to ...
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