Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Plans to build more churches in Egypt as religious freedom returns

A decrease in the influence of Islamist extremism in Egypt has made it possible for Christians to rebuild damaged churches and even consider building new ones.   The Egyptian government has lifted restrictions on the construction of churches, allowing the Coptic Catholic community to begin restoring St. George’s Cathedral in Luxor ...

ACN helps Jesuits open first novitiate in Bangladesh  

On July 16th, thirty years after returning to Bangladesh, the Jesuits are opening a new novitiate in the South Asian country, where Christians are a small minority. By allowing the novices to have their initial formation in the local languages and culture, the Jesuits hope to promote vocations.  A “Grace ...

Iraq: “Christians are like olive trees. You can burn them, but they will still bear fruit” 

Many feared that the invasion of the Nineveh Plains would drive Christians from Iraq for good, but ten years after militants of the Islamic state drove them from their homeland, thousands of Christians have returned to houses rebuilt with the help of ACN, taking with them their love for the ...

How a bishop unites Christians and Muslims in Nigeria

Gerald Musa’s father converted to Christianity at age 12. He could not have imagined then that his son would become the first bishop from the influential Hausa people.   Though mostly used nowadays to refer to the Pope, bishops in the Catholic Church have traditionally been called “pontifex,” which is Latin ...

Nigeria: Kidnapped priest goes free 

Nigerian priest Father Mikah Suleiman was released on Sunday, July 7th, after more than two weeks in captivity.   The parish priest of St. Raymond’s Catholic Church in Damba, Nigeria had been abducted from his presbytery in the Diocese of Sokoto, in the early hours of Saturday, June 22nd. In the ...

Pakistan: Desperate plea for Christian man on death row  

The chair of the Catholic Church’s National Commission for Justice and Peace in Pakistan lambasted a court for sentencing a Christian man to death after being found guilty of blasphemy. This happened  in connection with one of the country’s worst-ever atrocities against minorities.   Bishop Samson Shukardin of Hyderabad, president of ...

Ukraine: “War begins in the heart” 

During his visit to the international headquarters of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), Bishop Pavlo Honcharuk of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kharkiv-Zaporizhzhia spoke about the situation on the ground in Ukraine. During the conversation, the bishop, who leads one of the largest dioceses in Europe, highlighted the importance ...

Papal visit a ‘source of hope’ for East Timor 

Devotion to the Catholic Church is a distinguishing feature of East Timorese culture. Pope Francis will be the second Pope to visit the country and the first since independence.  East Timor is one of the world’s youngest countries, having obtained independence in 2002. It is also the Asian country with ...

Father Roger Landry, Eucharistic pilgrim

Throughout his journey, Father Landry will carry a monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament, presenting and proclaiming the Lord to fellow pilgrims and the many people he meets in parishes and chapels along the way.

Archbishop in Lebanon: ‘We find ourselves in a state of war!’

The Maronite Archbishop of Tyre, Monsignor Charbel Abdallah, whose archdiocese is one of the oldest in the world, told ACN that despite “finding ourselves in a state of war,” most people who had fled to Beirut or further north have now returned because they were short of money, and their ...
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