Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Priests in Ukraine: ‘We don’t have time to be frightened’

“We don’t have time to be frightened. We are staying and helping the people to survive this situation.”

ACN rushes aid package as war spreads in Ukraine

“What we all wanted to avoid has happened: Ukraine is in a state of war. ACN has supported the Church in Ukraine in the past and it will not abandon her at this very critical and difficult time."

Ukraine: Church helps refugees and prays for peace

“War does not bring any solutions, only destruction, suffering and lack of peace."

Scholarships help cement legacy of papal visit to Iraq

“The CUE model encourages the whole family to stay and not to emigrate; their children will have an excellent education to obtain work and therefore a future in Iraq to support themselves and their parents."

After communism, rebuilding the Catholic Church in Georgia

"It seems to me that the rosary saved the Catholic faith not only in Georgia, but in all Communist countries. The people came together in homes to pray and the grandmothers were the ones who took responsibility. You did not need a priest or a rosary – you could count ...

Egyptians love their soccer team, but Christians feel left out

Among Copts, stories abound of young boys who were turned away from big clubs at trials when it was revealed that they were Christians, either by their names or by the tattoo of a cross that many young men have on their wrists.

Catholic leader in Ukraine calls for an end to ‘idolatry of violence’

"There is a new idolatry of violence arising around the world, and as Christians we have to say no to violence, no to military action. Dialogue, cooperation and solidarity can help us to overcome difficulties."
Chaos in Haiti (Digital-Democracy)

Haiti bishops issue urgent appeal for unity

“Our dear Haiti is crossing a difficult stage in its history. Who is going to finally stop her descent into hell? The Haitian people really cannot do it anymore. They are tired, worn out, exhausted.”

Ukrainian Church sees the poor through God’s eyes

There is space in the monastery for up to 26 homeless men to share with the brothers, but in the winter the number often swells to as many as 40 men who come to take refuge.

In France, Aid to the Church in Need hosts the ‘NIght of Witness’

“The shootings and bombings are not stopping people from going to Mass with the same fervor as before. The terrorists can destroy everything in our country, but there is one thing they cannot destroy—our faith."
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