Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Pastor, champion of persecuted Christians, is murdered in Pakistan

Pastor Silraj lost his son-in-law in the All Saints’ Church attack and afterwards committed his ministry to reaching out to survivors.

Mozambique fears the worst as tropical storm batters the country

“We are all praying that God may spare us another great disaster, in which it is always the poor who suffer the most.”

In one of the poorest parts of Lebanon, the Church sustains body and soul

“For around two years we have been going through a terrible economic crisis in Lebanon. The people are desperate, they need everything. Food, electricity, medicine, milk, at every level they need things to be able to survive."

ACN calls for day of prayer for Myanmar on February 1st

ACN wants to remember the dead and intercede for the innocent civilian population, especially for internally displaced persons, including children, women, elderly, and the sick.

Iraqi Christians eye new year with hope and trepidation

“So many Christians are leaving Iraq because of the uncertainty of the situation and the loss of confidence in the future. The roots and seeds of Christianity are in the East. Our prayers and our hope are that they will be watered and nurtured."

Violence against Christian women Part of the war on religious minorities

"We were able to document that mothers and their children are a growing target group. You are not only removing a single person from the group of Christians, but a mother and her progeny."

In Lebanon, economic crisis threatens closure of Catholic hospital

The hospital is in desperate need for money to pay its staff, feed its patients, buy expensive drugs, the prices of which have more than tripled due to the devaluation of the Lebanese pound.

Armenia: Church of the martyrs

"It is understandable that the Church has committed itself to providing extensive social services to the weakest in society in order to give them hope and an alternative to leaving their homelands."

Mozambique: a cross with a broken Christ

"The body—the feet, the hands and the head of Christ—is in separate pieces, as an expression of the reality lived by so many people here in this war zone of Cabo Delgado."

Bishops of Kazakhstan request prayers for peace in the country

“On Sunday, after the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis spoke about the incidents in Kazakhstan. He entrusted Kazakhstan to the protection of Our Lady Queen of Peace of Oziornoje."
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