Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Report: violence against Christians is on the rise across India

The Hindu extremists who are behind these attacks, the report said, did not even spare women from their terror. More than 1331 women were injured in the violence against Christians.

Lebanon: ‘I became a refugee, just like the Child Jesus’

"“They attacked us with guns, although we were completely defenseless. They killed 15 young people and burned down five houses. Everybody fled. We ran, along with everybody else, not taking anything with us except the clothes on our backs. We ran out of our homes and fled.”

Burkina Faso: Christmas, with more than a million internal refugees

The priest they murdered was Father Simeon Yampa, who had arrived in Dablo in September 2018. That Sunday, as it happened, was Good Shepherd Sunday

Christians in Nepal—rising hope amid persecution

"The caste system triggers discrimination and forbids some people to mingle with others. Low-caste people are not considered equal human beings. They have found a fortress in Christianity because the faith has no discrimination or caste system."

Bishops: ‘Christian presence in Holy Land facing extreme threat’

"Radical groups continue to acquire strategic property in the Christian Quarter, with the aim of diminishing the Christian presence, often using underhanded dealings and intimidation tactics to evict residents from their homes."

Despite ‘furious anger,’ bishop calls for dialogue with Muslims in Nigeria

“I feel some furious anger, some hot anger inside me; yes, we need to be outraged by events happening in our country due to religious persecution or we will descend into total anarchy."

UK: The Prince of Wales meets survivors of Christian persecution

Frank Marooki was just eight when he lost both parents and all his siblings when their boat capsized in the Aegean Sea following their escape from Iraq’s Nineveh Plains which had been seized by ISIS in summer 2014.

Christians in India seek protection from Hindutva government

“As long as the BJP [Bharatiya Janata Party] remains in the government, Christians will face high levels of injustice and persecution."

New religious body adds to Islamization in Pakistan

“The Prime Minister wants the RAA to formulate an intellectual response to blasphemous acts in the West. A perfect response would be to discourage people from taking the law into their own hands and to punish others without a fair trial."

Armenia: refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh fight for survival

The flat: everything is clean and tidy but furnished with only the barest necessities and there is no electricity or running water.
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