Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

In Nigeria, a priest recounts his kidnapping by Fulani herdsmen

“We were not allowed to bathe throughout our captivity. We had to urinate and defecate in the hut. We were smelling like dead bodies and the hut smelled like a mortuary."

New report documents extremist assaults on Christian women and girls

The number of incidents involving girls and women being taken from their families, raped and forced to change their faith has grown over the last few years.

In India, radical Hindus accuse two nuns of illegal conversions

“We have not done anything wrong or illegal, yet in full public view we were forcefully taken to police station. It is quite shocking, and we never imagined such a situation in our lives."

In Pakistan, a plea to end forced marriage and conversion of women and girls

Christian and Hindu girls are particularly vulnerable, as they are targeted to be forcibly converted to Islam and have far less social and legal backing.

ACN sends additional $5.6M in relief packages for Syria and Lebanon

Some of the funding will go directly to Orthodox Churches such as the Greek Orthodox and the Syriac Orthodox, as well as the Armenian Apostolic Church, all of them in Aleppo, Syria.

In Pakistan, Christians are ‘the poorest of the poor’

"The main challenge for Christians is education, otherwise they will not have the means to lift themselves out of poverty."

Priests and religious are in danger in many parts of the world

They have been shot, stabbed, struck with machetes, and beaten to death.

Burkina Faso Christians face resurgence of terrorist attacks

Many of them had been identified as Christians and the terrorists were expressly seeking them out to kill them because of their faith.

Bosnia Herzegovina: ‘Catholics are discriminated against in every respect’

"If there is any Church in need in Europe, then it is ours. In my Diocese of Banja Luka, 95 percent of the Church buildings were destroyed or severely damaged during the war."

Ethiopia: Missionary pleads for peace

The causes of the war are complex, but the results, as always, have been especially tragic for the civilian population.
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Religious FREEDOM



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