Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Patriarch: ‘Christians in Lebanon will be extinct if West does nothing’

"We can’t convince them to stay because they say, ‘How can we endure this situation? There is no hope for our future.’"

From Fátima to Myanmar, children are praying the Rosary to change the world

"Praying the Rosary daily is the only source of strength physically and psychologically in the villages."

Three seminarians are abducted in Nigeria, freed after two days

“The kidnapping of innocent young seminarians—once again—in Nigeria is an abominable act. We appeal to the conscience of their kidnappers and urge them to release these young people."

Democratic Republic of the Congo: bishop denounces persecution of the local Church

"The Church is one of the few bodies speaking out against injustice and violence, and for this reason, the archbishop believes, the attacks appear to be “targeting particularly the structures of the Church.”

Haiti: ‘We are still in the first phase of our emergency aid efforts’

"The precarious situation makes it impossible to travel to the country, which means that we cannot experience the situation first-hand. Our communication is limited to the internet or the telephone."
Sister Gloria Narvaez

Colombian missionary is released after being held by jihadists for more than four years

"Her release encourages us to keep praying for all those who are still hoping for freedom.”

Students in Lebanon ask children everywhere to join them in prayer

"We want “We want to encourage as many children as possible to entrust themselves to the power of prayer."

Iraq: Ankawa, home of the Christians, comes of age

“The decision to make Ankawa a separate district will, we hope, be an important step forwardfor the future of Christianity in Iraq.”
Leah Sharibu

Nigeria: ‘We know that Leah is alive, and we pray for her release’

"Let’s keep our fingers crossed while holding on to God in faith for divine intervention. Leah and others will be freed one day. My prayer has always been: “Lord, please make it sooner than later!”  

In India, a priest is acquitted of attempting ‘forcible religious conversion’

"The seminary has been there for over 25 years and we have never forced anyone to convert."
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