Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

A million children praying the rosary can change the world!

This year’s rosary campaign will encourage children to pray “hand in hand with Our Lady and under the protection of Saint Joseph.”

In Sierra Leone, “God is the solution”

“One of the positive aspects of the shutdown of churches was that it brought us very close to the faithful."
Afghanistan, Sister Shahnaz Bhatti, working at a school for students with intellectual disabilities and Down’s syndrome

Shahnaz Bhatti: testimony of a Catholic nun who served in Afghanistan

"The most trying thing was not being able to move about freely, because, as women, we always had to be accompanied by a man."

Taliban takeover in Afghanistan emboldens Iraqi extremists

"It is definitely true that the mentality of ISIS still exists in Iraq and Syria among certain parts of the population.”

Mozambique bishop: ‘Nobody asks for martyrdom, but it is something that can happen at any moment’

“We may well be at risk, but at the same time we are here on a mission, and we are here for Jesus."

Christian Afghan: ‘After the Taliban killed my parents, I fled Afghanistan when I was eight’

"One day I came home from school to find that the Taliban had destroyed our home and killed my parents. My brother and I were forced to flee Afghanistan."

Sister Clara’s dream for the future of children in Iraq comes true

“Our goal was to offer young people a place of reconciliation and healing after being displaced by ISIS and living for so many years as refugees."

Lebanon holds a message of hope for the future of Christians in the Middle East

"All Arab countries forbid Muslims to convert to Christianity, so our message to the Middle East is that we have to preserve religious freedom."

How the pandemic changed the working practice of ACN—offering help from a distance

We were aable to support bishops with video equipmen to facilitate pastoral activity that had been stymied by the pandemic.

In Chile, young people are helping rebuild a vandalized church

The images of the church tower collapsing in a sea of flames shocked not only the local people and the Catholic faithful, but the whole country.
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Religious FREEDOM



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