Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Pakistan: Widow of Christian killed by mob dies

The tragedy that struck the Masih family has far-reaching consequences, disrupting the lives of many in Mujahid Colony. Families are displaced; businesses have closed; and jobs have been lost, creating a ripple effect of hardship and despair.

DRC: Bishop calls on authorities to end torment of the Congolese people

In this message, which was sent to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), the bishop denounces the killings “of a peaceful population, left without defense and without security,” the abduction of persons “without a single trace,” and the rape of girls and women.

In Pakistan, calls for ‘swift justice’ after mob kills Christian

The NJCP, a long-time project partner of ACN, also provided recommendations to the Pakistani authorities, aimed at preventing similar incidents in the future, improving law enforcement protocols, and fostering interfaith dialogue.

Inhumanity in the ‘Gap’: Bishop cries out over Darién crisis

Pope Francis sent the participants a message of support, in which he described the migrants’ route through the Darién Jungle as “a real Way of the Cross.”

In 2023, $153.5M to help Christians in need

In 2023, the charity provided almost 1.75 million Mass stipends to 40,767 priests. Statistically, this means that one in every 10 priests in the world received support from ACN, and that every 18 seconds, a Mass was celebrated somewhere around the world for the intentions of ACN donors.

DRC: 30 years of wartime evangelization

“Despite all this, the number of faithful in the archdiocese has increased. And our schools and hospitals are among the most renowned in the country.” Over the past 30 years, 16 new parishes have been established, and the archdiocese boasts 25 female and 13 male religious congregations, and 106 seminarians.

Iraq: 10 years after ISIS invasion, Christians still need help  

Archbishop Warda said that many Christians have either left or are planning to leave the country because of the ongoing economic hardship, and that young people “ask for jobs, not just to receive donations.” He explained that, even though persecution is no longer their main concern, “the pressure of being ...

Another priest abducted in Nigeria

In a statement sent to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), Father Kazah asked for prayers for Father Ukeh’s “urgent and safe release” and condemned the “incessant kidnappings for ransom of innocent and defenseless citizens.”

Nigeria: Church “always full” two years after massacre 

“There is no peace of mind. We cannot sleep with our eyes closed. We cannot even travel short distances without fear. But we still thank God.”

Despite war conditions, Sudan Christians grow closer to God

Currently, with the danger of sniper fire and bombs, all residents are confined to the house, except for courageous volunteers who venture out for firewood. And on top of all their suffering, this small community in Sudan feels that the rest of the world has forgotten about them.
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