Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Lebanon holds a message of hope for the future of Christians in the Middle East

"All Arab countries forbid Muslims to convert to Christianity, so our message to the Middle East is that we have to preserve religious freedom."

How the pandemic changed the working practice of ACN—offering help from a distance

We were aable to support bishops with video equipmen to facilitate pastoral activity that had been stymied by the pandemic.

In Chile, young people are helping rebuild a vandalized church

The images of the church tower collapsing in a sea of flames shocked not only the local people and the Catholic faithful, but the whole country.

Missionary: ‘our exit from Afghanistan was a real miracle’

"If we hadn’t left on that day, we might quite possibly not have been able to get away."

Taliban-linked threat in Pakistan: churches increase security

"Now that the Taliban are back, it will strengthen Islamist groups and so there could be attacks.”

In Lebanon, a Carmelite monastery attracts Christians and Muslims alike

"This particular statue of the Virgin, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, ... attracts many people from all the Christian denominations, and many Muslims as well."

A Catholic community in Vietnam is still not recognized by government

 “Catholic communities here are not granted permits to buy land to erect chapels, so they have to use their houses as chapels."

In Brazil, a boat brings Christ to the people

“This boat helps us to get to the riverside communities much more quickly."

Lebanon is in ‘hell’

My mother is old and she needs all kinds of daily medications. My brother is diabetic and has vision problems. They both need special care, and I am no longer able to provide such care."

Seminarian in Indonesia Returns to medicine During Pandemic

"I believed that God would surely keep me safe if he wanted me to continue my service. And if I had to die, I would die in peace."
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Religious FREEDOM



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