Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Ministering to the Roma people in Slovakia: ‘we should be their friends rather than aid workers’

" A new priest comes to the village and, suddenly, Romas are in the church, at the parish house, everywhere. It was not easy."

Pope Francis will be first Pontiff to attend International Eucharistic Congress in 21 years

"We have an appointment with Christ in Budapest; may He be the shining companion of our lives; may He be the one who brings optimism and joy to our lives!”

Living in fear and misery after church attacks in Bangladesh

"As the attacks took place, I fled to the forest with my family out of fear."

Statistics offer ‘no more than a hint of the suffering endured’ by Haitian population

"There is also a need to provide the bishop and his closest collaborators with a roof over their heads, since they have lost everything."

In Afghanistan, a dark future for religious freedom

"All those who do not espouse the extreme Islamist views of the Taliban are at risk, even moderate Sunni."

On August 22, we commemorate victims of faith-based violence in Pakistan

"we have witnessed an alarming increase in blasphemy accusations in the past few years, especially following the growth in the use of social media forums such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp."

Thirty years ago, ACN-sponsored smuggled radio equipment helped prevent communist coup in Russia

ACN project partners and employees had smuggled the broadcasting equipment, one component at a time, by ship to St Petersburg and from there on to Moscow.

ACN commits $600,000 in emergency aid for Haiti in wake of earthquake

"It is an impossible situation, and the people are in total shock."

Irish dioceses are reviving ‘Mass Rocks’ tradition

Protestant England sought to extinguish the Catholic faith from the island. That was the time when Catholics gathered in remote and isolated spots where Mass was celebrated in secret.

Belarus: ‘Pope Francis is concerned about the situation in the country’

"The work of foreign priests is made more difficult because they must regularly apply for a permit to carry out pastoral work. This permit may be revoked at any time."
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