Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Young Iraqis are starting new lives in their homeland

“Our life is not without risk, but life won’t stop, risk or no risk. We have to keep going.”

In Fatima, missionary thanks Our Lady for his liberation from jihadist kidnappers

"It was there that they handcuffed me to a tree. It was a very uncomfortable moment. I wept, and I cried out to God ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'"

One year after Beirut explosion, Lebanon’s wounds fester

"Some of the families here in Jounieh, a town not generally regarded as being poor, actually go out early in the morning, in order not to be seen, scavenging food from the dustbins!”

Lebanon: ‘We were among the dead, and we lived the resurrection’

"As a priest with a family, I am affected by the crisis too. We have stopped eating meat except for once a week when have chicken. We have cut down our electricity use and only buy fruit once a week. It’s not just to be in solidarity with the people. ...

Catholic nurse comes under fire from Muslim colleagues

"They called me a churi (low caste), an abusive term reserved for sanitation workers, and said they refused to work under a Christian."

ACN helps Catholics in India cope with second wave of COVID-19

This second massive wave of infections has caught the dioceses with empty coffers.

Vocational training gives hope to Christians in syria

“We can help the families to start over, we give them a reason to stay, and a chance to rebuild their country."

Bishop in Myanmar dies of COVID-19—a servant of the people

News reports are showing people dying in their homes and in ambulances without proper treatment. The pandemic is out of control, spreading fear and anxiety among the population.

In Mali, joy at release of kidnapped priest

Since 2012, jihadist groups linked to al-Qaeda and the Islamic State have carried out kidnappings to obtain money or exert political pressure.

‘May it come easily’— the work of the Salesians in Istanbul

The population of Istanbul has increased tenfold over the last 50 years and the city has one of the largest populations of young people from all European cities.
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