Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Kidnapped sister in Democratic Republic of the Congo is freed

idnappings, especially of priests and religious, have become a weapon and a means of pressure in numerous African countries.”

The challenges facing the Church on the world’s most Catholic continent

We need to protect the indigenous peoples and accompany them in their faith, while respecting their customs, languages and values,” insists D’Aqui.

A policeman needs to have his life in order, as death lurks around the corner

"The work of a policeman, the primary material, if you will forgive me putting it like this, is life and liberty. He is a servant of life."

Faiths form united front at International Religious Freedom Summit

“Religion is not merely private—international affairs must be considered through the lens of religious freedom.”

Democratic Republic of the Congo: a sister is kidnapped

Behind the violence lurks "the ruthless exploitation of natural resources (mining, oil, woodland, land).”

Haiti’s bishops condemn assassination of president, spiral of violence

“This sad event marks an unfortunate turning point in the history of our people.”

Franciscan sister held hostage in Mali sends new letter to her family

“She is exhausted physically, very thin, her face burnt brown by the sun and by the climate in the Mali region, but thanks be to God she is well. She is very strong.”

Fleeing poverty, war, refugees find succor from the Church in South Africa

The project’s aim is to provide pastoral and social services to refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants with a view to restoring their lost dignity, faith and hope.

As COVID-19 strikes Zimbabwe hard again, ACN supports Church responders

These are the Church front-liners who interact with each other and with the communities they serve, which makes them highlyvulnerable to the deadly virus.

Death of India’s Father Swamy ‘should be a wake-up call’

The Indian authorities accused him of having contacts with Maoist and militant groups, which the Jesuit always denied.
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Religious FREEDOM



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