Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Christians among victims of massacre in Burkina Faso

"Christians have more reason to fear a forced imposition of Islam. Their religious freedom and even their lives are at stake.”

In Mozambique, priest blasts terrorists for abducting boys

“The terrorists use these children and forcibly train them to fight in their ranks, whereas the girls are raped and forced to become their 'brides.'"

Islamist terror targeting Christians is on the rise in Indonesia

"They see Christians as one of their enemies. They see Christians as thogut, an Arabic term for those who disobey God's regulations. "

In Mozambique, Catholic radio brings hope to faithful living in fear of terrorism

It is an initiative which aims to continue the Church’s mission in the current situation by what is currently the best means of communication in the region—radio.

Aid to the Church in Need honors its donors on first annual ‘Benefactors’ Day’

“Dear benefactors, to all of you, your help made it possible to support our priests, who in turn took this help to our people, supporting and strengthening the faith."

After seven years on death row, Pakistani couple is acquitted of blasphemy charges

“I have to confess that after the justices had given their verdict I wept. There were times when I wondered if, after so long, justice would ever prevail in this case.”

Nigeria: ‘Now we are living in blood inspired by the failed promises of yesterday’

"We are men and women of faith and our response to these tragedies as Christians must be to uphold the truth. "

The pandemic in India: ‘we must fight together if we want to survive,’ says archbishop

"Political power, economic security, physical health: all of this is ephemeral and will not last. What matters most is charity, fraternity, and compassion—values as they were lived by Holy Mother Teresa of Calcutta."

Report: most of world’s population live in countries that violate religious freedom

In 42 countries renouncing or changing one’s religion can lead to severe legal and social consequences, ranging from ostracism within the family to even the death penalty.

Pope calls Lebanese bishops to Rome to discuss their country’s crisis

“Sadly, we note how Lebanon has largely disappeared from the attention of the world in recent months. Yet the suffering of its people continues."
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