Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Sacristan in Indonesia keeps suicide bombers out of cathedral

"I did not know what had hit me. I just felt something was burning. It was very hot. And blood poured out of my wounds. Yet, I still could stand. My heart said: ‘God, please help me. I am burning.’"

Vietnam’s elderly veterans suffer for the past, the Church helps

“After April 1975, I spent three months in labor camps. I was discriminated against, treated like an enemy, and never given any allowance by the government."

A catechist heals the spiritual wounds of South Sudan refugees

“Many of them are filled with hate and thoughts of revenge. I talk to them about forgiveness.”

Democratic Republic of the Congo: ‘We are in a state of utter misery’

He calls it Islamization because “anyone who has been kidnapped by these terrorist groups and managed to escape from them alive has told the same story. They were given the choice between death and converting to Islam.”

Leah Sharibu, a Christian girl kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria, turns 18

"We, along with the whole world, are waiting for you. We are waiting for this miracle of seeing you alive one day."

Pakistan: senior imam backs Christian nurses in blasphemy crisis

“It is proof that God does work miracles. We experience them in our lives – those who are enemies can be reconciled.”

In India’s Gujarat state, new anti-conversion law threatens Christians, Muslims

“In case someone wants to convert, he or she must notify the designated government officer who, after conducting a probe, would have to permit the conversion. Failing that, the conversion would be considered a crime."

In Mozambique, fear of new terrorist attacks causes ‘total panic’

“On a daily basis, we strive not only to be priests, but also activists, psychologists, spiritual directors, first aiders, suppliers and distributors of foodstuffs, Caritas volunteers and diocesan volunteers.”

Pope Francis wants to visit Venezuela

"I pray to God for reconciliation and peace among Venezuelans. I would love to come and visit you.”

Nigerian bishop urges faithful to ‘pray the rosary for the end of Islamist violence’

“The Sahel region has become a safe haven for groups including Boko Haram that have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.”
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