Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

In Mozambique, lack of hope entices the young to join terrorist ranks

"One of the strong reasons that motivates our young people to allow themselves to be enticed and join the various forms of insurgencyis based on experience of lack of hope in a favorable future."

Facing sedition charges, priest in Philippines fights on

"We are just here to tell the truth, and basically this is our sacred duty as Christians to help the poor. It would even be more of a scandal if we remained quiet amid these evils of killings and human rights abuses."

Haiti: Masses and bells against kidnappings

“The majority of the abducted people are humiliated, raped and tortured. Some of them do not find their way back to normal. When does this Way of the Cross end?"

Cardinal Piacenza: ‘religious freedom cannot be trampled upon’

Religious freedom, contains within itself “the nucleus of all freedoms, since it relates to the human conscience and is thus linked to the dignity of every individual human being.”

Flash floods, landslides traumatize Catholics in Indonesia

“I am completely traumatized by what happened that night. I told doctors that I could not think of anything. Just a blank mind."
Chaos in Haiti (Digital-Democracy)

Priests, women religious among 10 Catholics kidnapped in Haiti

“The Church in Haiti has a prophetic mission. She must denounce the terrible conditions. So it is quite possible that she is a thorn in the side of some of these politicians."

Democratic Republic of the Congo: bishops warn of threat of Islamism

Prisoners who escaped the Islamist militia also confirmed to the bishops “that they had been compelled to convert to Islam.”

Nigeria: ‘before our glory departs’

“Sadly, human life is hemorrhaging so badly in Nigeria, but the greatest tragedy is the death of empathy from those in power."

In Pakistan, Christian families face destruction of their homes

"We are being made homeless. Our law suppresses the weak in service of the powerful. Our dreams have been broken.”

The seed of Thomas the Apostle: missionaries from India serve in Africa

“Thus begins the process of implanting the order of the Discalced Carmelites deep into Zambian soil."
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