Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

ACN Report on Religious Freedom 2021—a ‘source of hope for many’

"We have witnessed violations of religious freedom of genocidal dimensions."

In Indonesia, anti-Christian terrorist attacks will remain part of the landscape

In Indonesia, conservative and sometimes violent Islamist tendencies have been on the rise in recent years.

Mozambique: How many more deaths will it take before the world takes action?

"The terrorists seem to want to cause maximum damage and sow the greatest terror in their destructive frenzy. We wonder how many more deaths there must be before the world does something to stop this violence?"

Myanmar: ACN calls for prayers

“I am shaken by the news that has reached us from Myanmar—the degree of brutality with which the security forces are apparently prepared to shoot anyone whom they see on the streets."

Religious Freedom in the World Report 2021 wants to give a ‘fresh impetus to the defense of human dignity’

The report fulfills one of the fundamental objectives of ACN’s mission to be a source of information, prayer, and active charity.

Pakistani Catholics volunteer to protect churches against terrorist attacks

“Everybody is afraid of the terrorists. But we stand for the One who protects us all. Our faith tells us that God won’t let us down. Therefore, we perform our duties with complete passion and avoid negative thinking.”

In northern Mozambique, ‘they are shooting everywhere’

"When these attacks take place, the people flee into the mountains, and so it is difficult to communicate with them on account of the weak phone signal, plus batteries on their mobile phones have run out,”

Suicide bombers strike at cathedral in Indonesia

“The suicide bombing is not only the concern of Catholics but also the concern of all the entire nation and the Indonesian state."

In Myanmar, cardinal urges protestors not to turn to violence

“All faith traditions adhere to non-violence because all violence is intrinsically evil. Violence brings greater violence. I unconditionally condemn ail acts of violence against unarmed civilians.”

Papal visit to Iraq’s largest Catholic town boosts hopes that Christians will return

“For Christians here, as well as those living as refugees in Europe and America, this visit gives them hope. With the Pope’s visit, we feel that we are not alone. We feel that we are safe because someone cares about us.”
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Religious FREEDOM



Executive Summary
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