Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

A family in Homs, Syria (Ismael Martinez Sanchez_ACN)

Syria: Sanctions only make people ‘suffer and become poor and miserable’

“The situation is growing ever more dire; the people are on the verge of starving to death. Some have already died."
Honoring St. Joseph in Pakistan

Year of St. Joseph: ACN supports initiative of Pope Francis

"For me, [St. Joseph] is a role model for hard work and holding one’s peace. He never complained when times became hard."
Al-Tahira (ACN/A. Gage)

Pope to visit Al-Tahira Church on Iraq’s Nineveh Plains: ‘It is part of our history’

"In 2014 ISIS conquered the city and we fled to Kurdistan. After three years the city was liberated, and we returned. I remember very well how damaged the church was. It was completely burned."
Professor Mobeen

‘A first positive step’ for Christians in Pakistan

"Education once brought hatred to the people, now it must be the healer."
Chaos in Haiti (Digital-Democracy)

Haiti bishops warn of catastrophe

"In the succession of Christ, the Church is always on the side of law, truth, justice and respect for life and human dignity."
Sister Gloria Narvaez

After four years, the Church continues to pray for the release of kidnapped sister

"We need to raise the voice of freedom, not only for Gloria, but for all the kidnapped Catholics, for believers and non-believers in the world.”

‘We have shed enough blood’—Myanmar bishops call for dialogue

“Peace is possible. Peace is the only way. Democracy is the only light to that path.”
Religious procession in Amazonas

A brutal battle against COVID-19 in Brazil

“The biggest difficulties are the sheer distances and the problem of access to the hospitals equipped for helping the most severely ill."
Father Andrea Santoro

On the 15th anniversary of his murder, a priest remembered

"May Jesus shine in us—with his Word, with his Spirit, with the power of his saints. May our lives be that wax which is willingly consumed.”
Miara Shahbaz

Britain’s Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief receives Pakistan girl’s asylum petition

“In line with Britain’s generous policy of providing refuge and safety to those most vulnerable, I hope that Maira and her family will be afforded the opportunity of living in the safety that we would all expect for ourselves.”
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