Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Bishop Azuaje

In Venezuela, a bishop’s last plea for peace and justice

“This year the embrace of God is more powerful than ever for all the children of this land, orphaned of embraces. His weeping was the announcement of peace and the passage from suffering to glory … God with us and us with God.”
Refugees and displaced in eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Bishop in the Congo: ‘We have been on the Via Dolorosa for years’

"The people here simply don’t count. They have the feeling that the government doesn’t even exist here. We feel as though the state authorities have abandoned us.”

On Iraq’s Nineveh Plains, hopes run high for papal visit

"There are many problems weighing on us. But when the Pope comes to visit us, he will give us new hope and confidence and some relief from this burden."
Father Chiera

Brazil: ‘your donations are saving lives’

"These children, who have never been allowed to be loved as ‘sons or daughters,’ need first of all to be able to live the experience of being loved before they themselves can begin to love.”
Feast of the Infant Jesus of Prague at Bangui

In Central African Republic, a jubilee celebration marred by violence

The 58-year-old Italian Carmelite Father Aurelio Gazzera came out of his room to find himself suddenly face-to-face with two armed men.
Damaged roof of St. George Maronite Cathedral in Beirut

In Lebanon, ‘hope is our daily bread’

"Despite everything, we look towards the future with hope, because we know that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Master of history, and that in His hands lie all our history and life."
Bishop Doeme

As Boko Haram strikes on Christmas, ‘no evil will take away our faith’

"God will crush Boko Haram in his own time.”
Bishop Juan Aguirre (Fundacion Bangassou)

Central African Republic: Bishop asks prayers for peace

“How is one to show a face of loving tenderness in the midst of so much violence?”
Novices of the Clarissan Missionary Sisters of the Blessed-Sacrament in Nigeria-thank ACN donors

ACN receives letters of thanks from around the world

“When we knocked on your door, you responded generously."
Dr. Thomas Heine-Geldern

ACN takes stock of the situation of Christians around the world in 2020

"There is a great deal of discrimination and persecution that is either continuing in a less conspicuous way or else receiving very little publicity in the world media."
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