Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Nigeria: Leah Sharibu turns 21 in Boko Haram captivity

He added: “All the kidnapped girls were converted to Islam, but the 14-year-old Leah Sharibu remained faithful to her Christian belief. Her freedom of religion and belief was violated, and today, she is still in captivity.”

Peru: Love for Our Lady in the Altiplano

Then, Genaro explained to Father David that he had heard a Protestant pastor on the radio promising that anyone who came to his church would be cured of their illness. “Father, I have been going to the Catholic Church for years asking to be healed and I am still very ...

Honduras: “Communities that used to kill each other pray together”

Honduras has the highest percentage of Protestants of any country in Latin America. There has been a remarkable increase in the number of Evangelical churches, and Protestants currently outnumber Catholics.

Burundi: Forced disappearances and murders

“The realization that there are people in our country who are cruelly murdered or abducted and disappear for political reasons or other macabre interests makes one shudder."

Solar panels for Church in Lebanon and Syria

Naturally, this affects the  Church. Parishes and communities are unable to provide services to the faithful; heating is limited;; and the Church’s social projects, including orphanages, nursing homes, schools, and kindergartens struggle to operate in darkness. Food poisoning is also rampant due to a lack of refrigeration.

Killings of Christians continue in Nigeria

This month, dozens of Christians have been killed in towns and villages across Nigeria’s Middle Belt, most recently around Easter, according to information sent to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) by local Catholic leaders.

Sri Lanka: Town is a witness to the Resurrection

"I saw a ball of fire, and the roof began to fall. I covered my head with my arms and ran out of the church, where I found my father. I was in shock. My father asked me where my mother was, and I raced back into the church. I ...

DRC: ‘Our country is not for sale!’

For more than 30 years, the eastern part of the country has been subject to violence carried out by 120 armed militias, who fight over territory and seek to exploit natural resources. These armed groups include the March 23 Movement (M23) and the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), which is affiliated ...

Abbot is neither pro-Israel nor pro-Palestine

“At the moment, we are living in a very polarized environment. There is a lot of pressure to pick a camp and make accusations, but if you do so, you become part of this game. The reality is very complicated, with many ‘footnotes,’ ‘brackets,’ and ‘parentheses.’”

Pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fátima comes to ACN

“The origin of ACN is closely linked to the apparitions and grace of Fátima, where Our Lady chose to show the Church the path to triumph over evil in the world: through love, prayer, sacrifice, and consecration to her Immaculate Heart."
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