Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Arzoo at her FIrst Communion

Pakistan: Abducted Christian girl is safe

“There can be no compromise on cases involving underage marriage.”
Cross that was removed from Madanpur

India: Church leaders urge government to protect Christians against attacks triggered by anti-conversion campaign

“The number of atrocities targeting Christians in this state is rising alarmingly."
Victor and Rony Tabash's shop

Bethlehem shopkeeper: ‘coronavirus has destroyed our life’

“Tell the pilgrims, we are waiting for you to come back again. The Church is all of us. We are united. The spirit of the pilgrims is the Church. Without the pilgrims, something is missing in the Holy Land.”
Sister Annie Demerjian

Syria: “We are living through the worst period in our history”

"For many people life is almost unbearable. Most Syrian families feel afflicted by the psychological and material pressure,”
Shafique Masih

Pakistani Catholic still lives in hiding after blasphemy acquittal two decades ago

“The blasphemy law is misused to target the innocent. If you stay silent, they start suspecting. If you try to answer their allegations, they twist your statements. It must end."
Arzoo at her FIrst Communion

In Pakistan, another Christian girl is kidnapped

Annually up to 1,000 young Christian and Hindu girls aged between 12 and 25 are abducted by Muslim men, forcibly married and converted.

Record numbers join rosary campaign

"It has taken on a life of its own and we have seen through the social networks how a great many people were invited to join in by friends, their local parishes or dioceses,"
Church of the Assumption

Arson and vandalism: targeting churches in Santiago, Chile

"The irrationality and hatred that we are witnessing is an attack on a fundamental human right to religious liberty. Such violence should have no place in a society that claims to be democratic.”
Fire in the parish of the Assumption

Two churches set on fire in Santiago de Chile

"Nothing justifies the use of violence, nor the attacks on sacred spaces, nor will the use of violence against the faith and beliefs of others contribute to the defense of social, racial, or economic justice."

ACN commits $6M for the reconstruction of Beirut

"We will continue to support the Christians in this country, not leaving them to face this task alone,”
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Religious FREEDOM



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